Hurrah! I wrote a thing!

Feb 13, 2010 19:00

Title: yesterday is right behind me like a loaded gun
Summary: Jenna doesn't know what she's running to.
Fandom: Blake's 7/Battlestar Galactica
Word Count: 686
Timeline: After 3x01, "Aftermath" (B7), AU (BSG)
Rating/Contents: NC-17
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Jenna Stannis
A/N: For the Sex Is Not the Enemy ficathon, based on this picture. There just can't ( Read more... )

challenges, blake's_7, fic, bsg, crossover, hell_yeah_kara_thrace, femmeslash

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Comments 2

aliaras February 14 2010, 01:47:13 UTC
Ngh. Starbuck picking people up in a bar is my *favorite thing*. Really, Starbuck+sex. Also femmeslash. So this fic? Is pretty much the best :D

And I would read/write the hell out of that ficathon.


sabinelagrande February 14 2010, 20:11:43 UTC
It would be the best ficathon, I feel. Because, really, who couldn't Kara pick up?

And I'm glad you liked it! :D


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