Title: Broken
Chapters: 9/?
sabersenshiPairing: Reita/Ruki, Uruha/Aoi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: angst, bad language, sex…eventually
Summary: Reita’s a popular rich kid. Ruki hates rich kids.
Disclaimer: *sniffles* They're Not Mine.
Notes: AU, High School fic.
**Ruki's POV**
After walking a bit, I stop.
Turning to him.
"I'm sorry. He's been with us since the beginning. It's not fair just to kick him out."
"Don't worry about it. Really. Yeah, I'd've liked to play with you guys. But it's not what's important. I'm happy that you're talking to me again. That's all that matters to me. We are going to keep talking, aren't we?"
I nod.
“So we’re starting over?” he asks, head tilted to the side.
“Actually, that’s not what I was thinking. I think we started out fine. We just kinda got sidetracked. Or I got sidetracked.”
“We get back on track, then?” he asks, taking a step closer.
“Yeah,” I almost whisper.
My mind jumping back to how it felt dancing with him.
Bodies close together.
“You’re going to forget about my parents’ having money?” he’s smiling at me.
“No. But I’m not gonna hold it against you,” I tease back.
“What about my friends? Some of them I’ve known for a long time.”
“As long as none of them are the ones that pick on anybody.”
I almost forget how to breathe as he raises his hand to my cheek.
Brushing his knuckles across my skin.
“Fair enough.”
Then he’s leaning down.
Stopping just shy of our lips touching.
Staring into my eyes.
I grab the back of his neck.
Bringing my lips to his.
He chuckles, before moving his mouth against mine.
“Do you think it’d be alright if I hang out with you guys while you’re practicing? Or would that be too weird?”
“Why would it be weird?”
“Cuz it might be uncomfortable with me there. For Yune.”
I snort.
Thinking of what Aoi might say about that.
“Why don’t you ask the others what they think? We can put it to a vote tomorrow before we start. If majority doesn’t care, then you stay.”
He laughs.
“Well, I got you and Aoi for sure. Probably Uruha, too. Do you think Kai’ll care?”
“Doesn’t matter. It’d be 3 to 2. Majority rules.”
**Reita's POV**
(Thursday morning)
I'm surprised when Yune walks up to me before class.
"You didn't get your way this time, Rich Boy. Does that bother you?"
So he wants to play like that, huh?
That's fine with me.
"Are you sure? Do you really know what I want?"
And I can see his mind working.
"Ruki? You're after Ruki?"
And he starts laughing.
"I hate to break it to you, but you're not his type. He hates guys like you. Remember?"
"Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong."
"Oh I'm right. The most you'll ever be is a novelty. Like when the circus comes to town. It's fun for a while. But then you get tired of all the pretty lights and the music just becomes noise. And that's all you are,” he runs his eyes over me, head to toe. “Pretty lights. And when he get's tired, he'll toss you away like an old, worn-out pair of shoes. That is, if you ever get that close to him."
It’s my turn to laugh.
He really has no clue.
Ruki’s nothing like that.
“Why do the others’ put up with you? I was gonna try to get along with you. But you just aren’t worth the effort.”
I walk away, leaving him stunned.
I really don't like the guy.
That's when I see the people I usually hang out with.
And I remember what Ruki told me.
I greet a handful of them, making my way to a specific few.
I stop.
They look at me.
"I don't like you. I don't like the way you treat some of the other students. You're bullies and I don't want anything to do with you. Leave. And don't come back."
I hear the murmurs behind me.
I think I've managed to shock them all.
The biggest walks up, invading my personal space.
Is it a bad thing that I can't remember his name?
"What if we don't want to leave? What are you going to do about it?"
"Not much, really. If you don't leave then I will," I turn to the others.
"It's your choice. No one HAS to hang out with them. Do what YOU want. But I'm not talking to anybody that chooses to hang out with bullies."
I motion over my shoulder, “Them or any others.”
I walk away.
Feeling a lot better about myself.
I can’t control anybody else.
What they do or how they think.
And I don’t want to.
But maybe I can give someone the courage to stand up for themselves.
Or open someone’s eyes.
Make them see what’s going on around them.
Show them it’s not right.
Like Ruki did for me.
A/N: Um...yeah. There ya go.
Sweet, smart Reita.
And evil Yune. Hate away, people.
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