Base Camp - Part 5 Cowboy!fic

Aug 01, 2010 20:51

Title:  Base Camp
Author:  Saberivojo
Characters:  Sam and Dean
Genre:  Gen - PG 13
Summary:  The boys are trailing their father. Horses and talk of cowboy talk ensues. Just a  wee chapter but more will be forthcoming.
Cowboy!Winchesters.  To everyone who has been following this long drawn out affair, I am thinking one more chappy.  Thank you ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

roque_clasique August 5 2010, 06:01:04 UTC
HEY I am not put-upon, I am just flaky as hell! LOL. Loved this chapter, and as I said, "like spots on a heifer" is one of the better turns of phrases I've ever heard. You can blame me all you want! I am proud to be blamed :)


saberivojo August 5 2010, 10:27:01 UTC
You have been sooo patient. The next chapter just won't quit. The tappy fingers are going nuts. Thanks again hon.


ficwriter1966 October 15 2010, 18:12:34 UTC
I love how you're keeping the horsies in your life through your fic. Very therapeutic!

Nice little moment between them (tension and all). Rock on, girlfriend!


saberivojo October 15 2010, 19:26:19 UTC
I didn't know you were reading! Yes, the horsies are around. I just posted Part 6. Woot.

Thanks for dropping by,hon.


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