one post for all my fics and vids...

Jul 11, 2020 11:47

This is a post for all my writing and vidding endeavors, all fandoms.

fic )

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Comments 19

ethnotechno August 15 2007, 14:49:47 UTC
Hi sbabe

I started on BSG only about a month ago after being badgered by a close friend about it for over a year. After years and years of Star-trek type fandomness, I thought I was done with sci-fi. Boy, was I wrong!

Over the past month, I've become obsessed with BSG!!! Kept watching my fav episodes and scenes from the minis to s3 multiple times, until at some point, I realized that they mostly involved Helo & Athena!Sharon :) What beautifully developed characters!

Anyway, your fics are great! I'd love to see some good fics by other authors, especially s3 ones. Please post/email with any recs that you have.


sabaceanbabe August 17 2007, 20:54:12 UTC
Hi, Ethnotechno! Thanks for taking the time to comment here. I love this show, too, in case you hadn't noticed, so I'm always happy to meet a new fan.

I watched the mini when it first aired and was intrigued by Helo. I decided I'd check out the series when it finally came out, but I didn't have high hopes -- the mini was good, but I wasn't wowed. And then I saw "33." All bets were off. ;) I was in the middle of a multi-chapter Farscape fic at the time, and I just couldn't return to it for all the BSG fic ideas.

Anyway. If you want to read some good Helo/Athena fic, check out the Kindreds fiction forum. Kindreds is a Helo/Athena site started by repr0b8 and honibrownhateza. You can also check out the fanfiction posted at hidden_elysium, LJ's Helo/Athena comm.

By the way, I'm curious. What led you to my fic? I like to know these things. ;)


ethnotechno August 17 2007, 21:32:03 UTC
Honestly, I'm not really sure anymore how I got to your site. I think I might have found it via some discussion forum at one of the BSG portals.

I actually had an interesting perspective on BSG. I did not know about the mini-series, and started out with Season 1. So I watched most of S1 puzzling over whether Sharon/Boomer were really cylons or not!!! Strangely enough, S1 still made sense without the mini. I think the clips in main title sequence provide a good summary. Of course, I did watch the mini as soon as I realized my mistake :)

I did not consciously think Helo/Sharon in S1, but found myself looking forward to the little Caprica sequences in each ep, maybe coz I liked the sepia-tinted colors. Helo/Athena fever really started kicking in for me after 'Flight of the Phoenix' in S2.

Thanks for the fic recs. I'm definitely open to reading fics besides H/S ones too!


sabaceanbabe August 18 2007, 01:54:23 UTC
I'm definitely open to reading fics besides H/S ones too!

There are a couple of great comms here on LJ to find good fic: crack_van and bsgficrecs. Both of these comms are places where people recommend what they consider to be the best of the best. I can't say isn't a misfire here and there, because not everyone has the same taste, but generally speaking, the fics recced at these comms have a lot going for them. You can also find all the latest fic at bsg2003fics and bsg_creative, where you can also find icons and music videos.

You can get specifically BSG fic at Crack Van's BSG 2003 fic recs, but there are dozens of other fandoms there as well. And you can find the ones that I like the best in my memories.

Enjoy! And feel free to pop in and comment on whatever in my own LJ. :D


fondued_jicama March 24 2010, 08:06:55 UTC
sabaceanbabe March 24 2010, 13:44:39 UTC
Thank you SO MUCH! This was a great surprise this morning. :D

Friended you back. :)


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