Title: Treading Water (Part III - The Arena)
Chapter Title: Double Dutch With a Hand Grenade
Rating (this chapter): R for violence
Word count: 7,990
pinkfinity, and
deathmallow (I can't thank them enough for their advice and hand=holding and overall awesomeness; all mistakes and missteps are my own
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Comments 4
Anyway, congrats again! :-)
You should totally feel accomplished. This is an amazing fic, and you made it to the end! YAY!
This fic has made the characters of Finnick, and Annie, and Mags, and all the other victors so much more real, and I care about them so much more now. When I first started getting attached to them, like back in the first ten chapters or so, I thought, "Oh, man, this is going to make Finnick's death so much more painful", so I was delighted to hear you were going to do Mockingjay, too, and change that little matter. :D
Can't wait for the sequel!
I was delighted to hear you were going to do Mockingjay, too, and change that little matter.
Yep. Finnick and Annie need their happy ending.
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