Title: Treading Water (Part III - The Arena) Chapter Title: 'Neath the Gathering Cloud Rating (this chapter): PG-13 Word count: 4,512 Betas: mrsdrjackson and pinkfinity (all mistakes and missteps are my own
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Ahhh, I'm so sorry -- I've had so much going on this past week, with Gallifrey and everything, I read this chapter on my Nook and then forgot to come review!
ANYWAY. Great chapter. Things are really gaining momentum and heading toward the end. I wonder how it will happen that Annie will get captured by the Capitol, etc. I wonder what will happen to his family in 4.
SO EXCITING. Can't wait for the next (last) chapter! (And then the next story, too -- you're still planning on doing it, right?)
No need to apologize. I'm just glad people are still reading and enjoying it! I never dreamed it would be this long. O_O
The last chapter is written and in beta. I'm hoping to post it tonight or tomorrow, but then that kinda depends, too, on final edits, considering I ended up added 500 or so words to the final scene last night, after I sent it to beta once already. :P You'll get your wish of finding out how Annie is captured (I hope it doesn't disappoint), but you'll have to wait to find out about Finnick's family for the sequel, which I am definitely still planning to write.
Comments 2
ANYWAY. Great chapter. Things are really gaining momentum and heading toward the end. I wonder how it will happen that Annie will get captured by the Capitol, etc. I wonder what will happen to his family in 4.
SO EXCITING. Can't wait for the next (last) chapter! (And then the next story, too -- you're still planning on doing it, right?)
The last chapter is written and in beta. I'm hoping to post it tonight or tomorrow, but then that kinda depends, too, on final edits, considering I ended up added 500 or so words to the final scene last night, after I sent it to beta once already. :P You'll get your wish of finding out how Annie is captured (I hope it doesn't disappoint), but you'll have to wait to find out about Finnick's family for the sequel, which I am definitely still planning to write.
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