I actually remembered to check if any of the flist had a birthday today...

Dec 12, 2005 11:50

And one of you does!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear poisontaster!
Happy birthday to you!

She watched the human through Gaius' eyes, concern and caring writ plain on his handsome face as he spoke through the primitive handset to her. She couldn't even think of the other's name, the one she had been assigned and then taken over, without a mental sneer -- Sharon.

A wave of jealousy, unbidden and unwanted, passed through Cylon model number Six's psyche.

He was certainly an impressive specimen. Tall, broad-shouldered and straight-backed. His hair was much shorter than her Gaius', thanks to military regulations, and she wondered how it would feel if she were to brush her fingers over it. Would it feel soft? Prickly? Warm or cool? She found herself longing to find out. It had been so long since she had felt anything at all.

And now he was replacing the handset in its cradle, his conversation with her nemesis finished, but his hand lingered on the glass, fingers spread out. Could he be longing to touch his Sharon's hair, as she herself longed to touch his? Sharon didn't deserve his love, his devotion.

Another wave of primitive jealousy washed over her. It wasn't fair that she had been blessed by God to carry Helo's child. The child should have belonged to her, could have belonged to her, if only she had realized that it was to be Helo who was to father the next step in Cylon evolution and not Gaius.

Helo turned, walked away from Sharon, walked toward Six (Gaius) and for a moment she could pretend that the man with the soft (she had decided) brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes was hers.

Okay, so it's not much as far as drabbles go, but what do you expect from spur of the moment. :P

my bsg fic, my fic

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