BSG fic: In Media Res (the Multi Media Remix) (pg-13)

Jul 16, 2009 08:41

Title: In Media Res (the Multi Media Remix)
Author: SabaceanBabe
Summary: An irresistible force meets an immovable object…
Characters: Kara Thrace and Felix Gaeta
Pairings: none
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none that I can think of
Title, Author and URL of original story: In Media Res by senatorsfan_ink
Author's note: This is a pinch hit written for the awesome bsg_remix of ( Read more... )

my bsg fic: s4, my bsg fic, remix, challenge responses

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Comments 4

lizardbeth_j July 16 2009, 17:31:34 UTC
Dude, you wrote a pinch hit for BigBang? COlor me amazed! ;P (I think that is not the community you're thinking of...)

Good look into their head space right before they're both about to intersect. (though part of me still wants to make her talk to Sam, or Helo)


sabaceanbabe July 17 2009, 01:53:47 UTC
Meh. I just have bigbang on the brain, I guess. :/


vipersweb July 17 2009, 03:54:51 UTC
very nice. I like the way you set this up and the thoughts of everyone in this. Very nice how you have both Gaeta and Kara thinking of the people they were closest to and wanting their help, but not being able to get it.


sabaceanbabe July 23 2009, 15:46:08 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad that mirroring came through for you. :)


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