I can't sleep, so BSG thoughts...

Aug 16, 2005 01:13

It's 1:15 am and I can't sleep. Dammit. I have to get up at 5:00. Dammit.

Ah, well. Time for a rambly, random BSG ep 2.05 The Farm post.

here be spoilers )

bsg thoughts, fic ideas

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Comments 14

lyssie August 16 2005, 05:46:24 UTC
re: firefight. Yah. I was like, "Helo! Pay attention! She got SHOT YOU IDIOT."

Anders doesn't have as much brain.

erm. Yes.


sabaceanbabe August 16 2005, 12:37:34 UTC
I suppose there is something on the cutting room floor that explains that, but... Yeah.


lyssie August 16 2005, 15:52:08 UTC
I think the problem is that I was expecting him to have the same six sense about Kara that he did in regards to Boomer (I was just poking caps from You Can't Go Home... and she pops up out of the stairwell). Or the way I would think he would notice things like that. *flails*

But they were being all Dramatic about her fainting and crap.

ARG. Sacrifcing story for style is bad.


simplystars August 16 2005, 09:33:24 UTC
adama isn't unemotional or unfeeling... he's just very contained. but he doesn't hide what he feels; he tells lee that if he was missing, they'd search until the end for him. and when he's asking the chief those questions about love, and loving boomer, and is it possible to love a machine... it's not for the chief. he's asking those questions of himself, and he realizes the implications of the answers.

::hugs poor angsty commander::

this week is going to be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interesting. and not just 'cos i spoiled myself a teeny tiny bit with a tvguide picspoiler. :D


sabaceanbabe August 16 2005, 12:40:29 UTC
Hee. It was pretty hard *not* to catch that particular spoiler. :P

I love Adama. But then, all of these characters seem to me to be so well drawn and played. Every one of them has a backstory and it shows, even though we viewers may never know what that backstory might be.

Is it Friday yet?


repr0b8 August 16 2005, 16:43:34 UTC
Than scene where Adama breaks down over Boomer in the morgue. OMG. That was just incredible

I'm totally with you on this. IMO, it was the most powerful scene of the season so far.


sabaceanbabe August 16 2005, 18:02:03 UTC
He had me breaking down crying with him, but mostly for him. Just a heart-breaking scene.


kitsah August 16 2005, 21:42:18 UTC
The Starbuck show.

Well you KNOW I'm a starbuck fan, even when I'm not a starbuck fan, but it's been kind of bugging me lately that since she came to Caprica it's been so much about her. What about Helo? Anyone? Anyone? So much of the fun interaction that I was looking for between them got cut in favor of whatshisname. Who wasn't bad but there wasn't enough screentime for him to be interesting. So I hope they go to Kobol and it becomes ALL ABOUT HELO. The Helo spinoff. Necro-Helo. Or well maybe not that...


sabaceanbabe August 18 2005, 14:14:52 UTC
Nonononononono, no necro!Helo. But all about Helo? I'm so there.


kitsah August 18 2005, 14:20:24 UTC
I can see it designed sort of like the Oprah winfrey show. We can have a book club with selections like "Waiting to Exhale" by skinny!Sharon and "How Leoben got his groove on" and even "Cylons who love crazy Scientists and the Scientists who can't Commit to them" by Six.

And the best part is, if his Cohost Sharon goes on maternity leave, there are LOTS OF OTHER SHARONS to replace her. Sooo...

Hey that sounds like a good fic, hmmm? The Tahmoh Penikett show? Except we can do it like Jerry Springer even. *giggles*


sabaceanbabe August 18 2005, 14:24:50 UTC
You are insane. You know that? :P

And now I must write about a Jerry-Springer-like talk show about toasters and the humans who love them. Or something like that.


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