Song: Who Are You?
Artist: The Who
Focus: Echo
Spoilers: If you're watching the show, not so much - clips used through Gray Hour
Download link:
right click and save asVidder's note: Most of the song doesn't really work for Echo, but the chorus sure as frak does, so I cut the song to make me a vidlet (runtime is about 1:30 with credits). It's a fairly simple vid, given that I sort of made it at work and I used Windows Movie Maker for the very first time. Kinda like taking a step backwards, but I think it turned out okay. :P Unbetaed, so let me know if you see any major glitches. As usual, I'll have a permanent DL link and a streaming file embedded in a few days. And, last, but not least...
mfirely10, while I didn't exactly make this vidlet for you, I am dedicating it to you in honor of your birthday. Happy birthday, friend and fellow vidder. I hope it was awesome and that any awesomeosity (It is TOO a word! Shut up!) continues on into the weekend. *hugs you tight*
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