TSCC ficlet: A Need for Trust (pg)

Feb 20, 2009 15:04

Title: A Need for Trust
Author: sabaceanbabe
Rating: pg
Word count: 264
Characters: Sarah, Kyle
Spoilers: for The Good Wound
Author’s note: Because life_on_queen kept poking me. Unbetaed. Sorry.


She felt it, or imagined she did, moving in her leg, leaving destruction on a microscopic scale in its wake. Microscopic on the inside, monumental and devastating on the outside. So small, and yet it could kill her.

“Call him. He can help.”

Kyle wasn’t really here, Sarah knew that, understood that it was true, but she didn’t believe it. He felt real, the touch of his hands, the scent of his skin, the brush of his breath on her neck as he supported her.

At first, she’d thought he spoke of John, but when she’d said as much, he quickly made it clear that he spoke of his brother, not his son. He spoke of Derek and of trust.

Eyes followed her slow, unsteady progress through the hall and out the front door, wondering about her, but no one said anything, no one stopped her. The sun was too bright, hurting her eyes, but the breeze was cool and comforting. Sarah leaned against a gray minivan and dug into her pocket for her cell phone.

When she finally pulled it out, she nearly dropped it, only caught it when Kyle’s hand joined hers. The sharp movement of her grab for the phone jarred her leg, the pain blinding in its intensity. Again, Kyle held her up, supported her.

Heartbeat racing, tripping, she flipped open the phone and scrolled through the contacts until she found Derek. Her eyes met Kyle’s, questioning. He nodded and when she still hesitated, he covered her hand with his, put his thumb over hers, and pushed the call button.

my tscc fic, my fic, the all-powerful flist, friends

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