BSG ficlet: A Touch of Sun (pg-13)

Oct 21, 2008 21:59

Title: A Touch of Sun
Author: SabaceanBabe
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 378
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Karl Agathon
Setting: pre-series, AU like whoa
Author’s note: Unbetaed ficlet, written for rjsteamboat76 in honor of his birthday. He wanted Kara in cutoffs and a wife-beater. :P


Across the parking lot, the cheerleaders chanted and jumped and clapped their hands, waved pompoms and brightly colored balloons, anything and everything to draw attention to the car wash. The fundraiser was designed to get the Moasis High School Pyramid team to the All-Colony tournament on Libron, later that month. Karl watched the girls bounce for a moment, trying his best to not be too obvious in his appreciation, until a sopping sponge hit him in the back of the head. Cold, soapy water ran in a small river down his neck and shoulders, into his t-shirt.

“Hey!” He whirled to glare at his teammate, who was giggling like a fiend, her green eyes dancing with mischief and no sympathy whatsoever.

Kara shrugged. “Be glad I didn’t throw the bucket.”

Karl picked up the wet sponge and fired it back at her, hard and fast, then casually leaned back against the wet car that he was supposed to be drying and crossed his arms over his chest. “Jealous, Thrace?” he asked as she caught the sponge in one hand, sparkling droplets flying into her face even as she turned her head to avoid them.

Her laughter stopped abruptly and he caught a bit of pink rising up her chest from beneath her white tank. But then Kara turned away and bent to dunk the sponge in her bucket of soapy water and he wasn’t sure it had been anything other than a touch of sunburn. Straightening, she attacked the metal skin of the next car in line and Karl smirked. I must’ve hit a nerve, after all. He was fully aware that she knew he was eyeing her ass in those tight cutoffs and that she would probably pound him for it later, after the fundraiser was over.

“Stop looking at my ass, Agathon.” Scrubbing hard at the roof of the car, her voice was jumpy as she confirmed his suspicions. Karl bent to grab his abandoned towel, still grinning, and set to work gently wiping water from the hood of the other car. After a moment, he glanced over his shoulder at Kara, who kept shooting glares his way. He began to whistle a cheerful tune.

Whatever revenge she might exact later, it would be worth it.

my bsg fic, my fic, birthdays, friends, my bsg fic: pre-mini

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