Title: Is That All There Is?
Artist: Firewater
Focus: Dean Winchester, but with plenty of Sam and John and the Crossroads Demon, too
File size and type: 26.5mb avi
Download link:
right click and save as Vidder's notes: Nearly lost in the mists of time,
jebbypal won a bid on my services in a Sweet Charity auction. She threw me a bunch of songs by a group called Firewater to see if anything would stick, and one song stood out from the crowd as absolutely perfect for a Dean-centric Supernatural video (the reasons for that will become apparent as you listen and watch :P). I had a draft of this done back in February and sent it off to beta, but I was unhappy with it, so when I got back the beta notes and realized I had to do a load of work to make it better including reworking almost the entire first half of the vid, and given that to do that I was going to have to essentially start from scratch because of fact that the first 2/3 of the vid were done on the old computer and the data files were no longer available, it languished on my harddrive for months, waiting for me to be re-inspired. Which finally happened sometime in June. After I sent the draft to
jebbypal to see what parts she might want me to keep. :P What she had to say about it got the vid muse kickstarted again and now, several more weeks later and with the inestimable beta work of
aruna7, it. is. finished. *bounce*
Enjoy! And I looooooooove feedback. ;)