Title: In His Father’s House (the Teenage Angst Remix)
sabaceanbabeSummary: “I’d like to see your home, John,” Aeryn had said. “Take her for a tour, John,” Livvy had prodded.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Farscape
Warnings: none
Spoilers: through Terra Firma
Title, Author, and link to original story:
In Our Bedroom, After the War by
amidalashariAuthor's note: Thank
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Comments 17
ahhh who framed rogger rabbit? yup we got a collection of jacket pins from that one.
nice, would love to see more fics esp those involving earth.
One of the (many) reasons I loved "Farscape" was that you could tell that John was a character with an extremely active inner life, not your typical action hero, "feelings are for wimps" kind of guy. Even when we weren't seeing Harvey or alternate Aeryns, we could tell by the expressions on Ben's face that everything was being appraised and processed, thanks in no small part to BB's talent.
Which is to say, I loved this look at his inner monologue, as he tried to reconcile Aeryn with his life on Earth while not drowning in his displaced feelings for her. Bravo!
Abso-frakking-lutely! Ben and Claudia could totally make a scene sizzle with no dialogue at all.
And thank you again for the beta. You made this better. :)
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