Yay, a Peter+Gabriel=Siblings fic! I love the theory, and I can't wait to see where you take the story! I love how you've started it - so atmospheric and evocative. What a great start to Heroes!Night.
I've wondered if they didn't do that on purpose, actually, with the names. But apart from that, there's so much potential in the concept that I would be thriled if they did do it, but if they don't, your fic will content me sufficiently, so, squeee.
Comments 5
I'm glad you like it. My head is just chock full of ideas for this, so keep your fingers crossed I can find the time to work on it.
Heroes!Night! *flail*
God, I think I'm starting to hyperventilate and we still have almost 4 hours to go... *whimper*
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