The Clark/Jimmy is a one-sided thing, sadly, so I'm thinking about doing another one for them, maybe for an AU_bingo square. ^_~ And YES!! A fic with Lois/Richard and Clark/Jimmy would be perfect!
And I'm really excited about doing some things with the post-apocalyptic fic. :D Maybe not too much beyond slashing it up, but you never know. :p
Yup. It was originally for the August challenge in '08. :p Set right after Clark gets Zod and crew back in the Phantom Zone, it's now also right after "Her Favorite New Plaything". ^_~
Don't worry, I'm still playing with a few for the Pairing challenge (or at least looking at them daily to see if my muses will be kind enough to give me a line or two on the prompts I've chosen/plotting I've come up with.)
And finally:
1. Assorted plot bunnies (after I gather them from posts here on my journal)!
Hee! OMG the list of plot bunnies must make up one huge hutch!
I'm so relieved there's still interest in the challenge.
Indeed there is, don't count me out either. I still have about five unfinished ficlets on my flash drive for the challenge. I'll see about finishing them this weekend.
Ah, but I do miss the days when my whole to-do list was nothing but Aftermath. :p I was a lot more focused, then. At the same time, it *is* nice to have a variety to suit my moods. :p
Comments 25
4. Clark/Jimmy? Yay! They're my secret OTP :P I'm thinking of doing a short fic with Lois/Richard and Clark/Jimmy, then everyone would be happy!
5(a). Yes! I loved that fic, it was brilliant as a oneshot but there are so many places you could take it and I can't wait to see what you do with it!
Good luck with these!
The Clark/Jimmy is a one-sided thing, sadly, so I'm thinking about doing another one for them, maybe for an AU_bingo square. ^_~ And YES!! A fic with Lois/Richard and Clark/Jimmy would be perfect!
And I'm really excited about doing some things with the post-apocalyptic fic. :D Maybe not too much beyond slashing it up, but you never know. :p
Thanks so much, hon!
(The comment has been removed)
Yup. It was originally for the August challenge in '08. :p Set right after Clark gets Zod and crew back in the Phantom Zone, it's now also right after "Her Favorite New Plaything". ^_~
And finally:
1. Assorted plot bunnies (after I gather them from posts here on my journal)!
Hee! OMG the list of plot bunnies must make up one huge hutch!
And I'm convinced the plot bunny hutch with attempt to devour me whole once I get all those bunnies corralled. :p
Indeed there is, don't count me out either. I still have about five unfinished ficlets on my flash drive for the challenge. I'll see about finishing them this weekend.
I've gotta update the challenge post this week, too, and see where we stand so I can make more fic plans for it. :p
Looking forward to seeing your submissions!
1. Nocturne
2. Anything I fancy
3. Nocturne
4. Nocturne
5. Nocturne
6. Noc... yup
It must be nice to have a variety ;-)
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