Title: Sheer Will
Fandom: Superman I & II
Pairing: Clark/Lois
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 655
Prompt: For Porn Battle IX: bathroom, Fortress, sheets, memories, cold, warmth, kiss, grasp
Summary: Lois's mind isn't as malleable as a certain someone would like....
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit!
Sheer Will )
Comments 4
. And after she's taught him his lesson, repeatedly, both in and out of bed, then maybe, just maybe, she'll let him live this down. Noble, naïve farm boy, teach you to mess with my head....
LOL. Absolutely adore Lois here and you have her voice spot. On. (Are you going to post a link to this over on Reeveverse?) I know I suggested you try and do a sequel to it and I still would love it but I'll not beg for it (considering there are some many others where I would say they call for it more).
Probably still won't write a sequel to this, but never say never. :p
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