Fic: Running Errands (Superman Returns - Clark/Lois) 1/1

Oct 09, 2007 18:34

Title: Running Errands
Fandom: Superman Returns
Pairing: Clark/Lois
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,454
Summary: Lois sends Clark out to run several errands for her on the eve of his thirty-first birthday. Obviously, he's suspicious.
Prompt: Errand
Spoilers: Superman Returns, very mild spoilers for Superman: Aftermath
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Set the February after the end of Superman: Aftermath, but you don't have to have read Aftermath to know what's going on. This mixes in some other DCU characters, too. Also, written for the 28th birthday of everyone's favorite Kryptonian... er, I mean, favorite Iowan, Brandon Routh. ^_^ Hee hee!! Oh! And because I love to multi-task my fic, this was written for the Clois100 Challenge on 12days_of_clois. :D

Running Errands

Clark could hardly believe the day had snuck up on him so quickly. Thirty-one. Tomorrow he would turn thirty-one. Unbelievable. By all rights, and as far as he felt, he wasn't any older than twenty-six, twenty-seven if he stretched it, but all that time in stasis on the trip to Krypton and back had stolen those years from him. Years he would never get back.

Time he had forever lost.

It was with these thoughts that he went about his last day being thirty, a reality that in itself had never settled well with him, as he'd missed his thirtieth birthday entirely. Passing Lois in the bullpen, he gave her a weak, but warm smile, grazing her arm with his fingertips in their little unspoken ritual of affection when they were on the clock and in the midst of a crowd of observant reporters. She returned to her desk after giving him a little, sly smile of her own, getting back to her current article on the latest corruption in local government, and watching her, Clark couldn't help but wonder if she was planning anything special for his birthday. Together, they'd decided on dinner out at an upscale Japanese steakhouse, her promising him a special evening in afterward, to which he'd readily agreed, but as with every other special occasion, he had his suspicions; Lois was notorious for last minute surprises.

* * * * *

After a typically long day at the office and the usual compliment of rescues and small-scale natural disasters, Clark and Lois drove to pick up Jason from Richard's apartment, several blocks north of their own, and headed home. On the way, Clark voiced his feelings about his inevitable birthday for perhaps the fifteenth time that week when Lois prodded him about the big day with that recurring smirk, elbowing him in the ribs.

“I'm just not that excited about it, Lois,” he admitted, adjusting his glasses. “I mean, it's just another reminder of everything I missed, and―”

“And nothing!” she cut him off quickly. “It's your birthday! This is the first time Jason and I can celebrate with you, so it's going to be special. Besides,” she added, raising a suggestive eyebrow at him, “it's my chance to make up for all the ones we missed.”

Clark couldn't suppress a smile as he caught the devious twinkle in her eyes. “Okay,” he agreed with a quiet sigh.

Leaning over then, and barely managing to keep the car going in a straight line, she whispered into his ear, “And if you're lucky, you might just get some birthday spankings, Mister Kent.”

His breath caught in his throat at that, a blush rising all the way to the tops of his ears, and he swallowed audibly.

Lois's satisfied smirk followed them the rest of the way home while Clark contemplated this latest development in their plans.

* * * * *

Rummaging through the fridge, Lois grumbled and cursed under her breath about ingredients and specialty foods, tossing out-of-date take-out containers into the garbage as she went. “Dammit,” she swore, standing finally with her hands on her hips in an aggravated pose. “Claaaaark,” she called out to the living room plaintively, and when he came around the corner into the kitchen, she gave him her best pleading look, sliding up to him to wrap her arms around his waist. “Could you possibly run out and pick up a few things? I still want to make you a great 'last meal' before your birthday,” she smiled teasingly, “but I forgot we needed to hit the grocery store to pick up a few things.”

Eying her warily as he pulled her close, Clark chuckled warmly, “Sure. What do we need?”

“Red bell pepper, capers, lemon juice, baby spinach and, um, the salmon steaks,” she said sheepishly. “Oh, and could you pick up some sliced pepperoni, colby jack cheese, and crackers? I want to make sure we have plenty of snacks on hand for when Jason's newest friend comes over this weekend.

“No problem,” he smiled, pulling away from her and fishing his glasses out of a pocket as he turned to go.

“Oh!” she she said, catching his sleeve. “Could you get some rocky road ice cream, too?”

“Of course.”

Leaning up on tip toes, Lois kissed him squarely. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

* * * * *

Clark rounded the end of the dairy aisle wondering just what Lois was up to. Whatever it was, she'd made it clear that she needed him out of the apartment for the entire ten minutes it would take him to do the last minute grocery shopping. But what could she do in ten minutes? Set up a romantic dinner from a take-out place? Unlikely. Not even her style, really. Of course, she had Jason to help her with whatever her surprise was, so that changed the equation in ways he hadn't counted on.

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, he opened his hearing to focus in on the apartment. If there were preparations for... well, anything, he would hear it.

But strangely, it was quiet. The usual sounds of the television playing Jason's favorite cartoons and Lois's fingers tapping on her laptop met him with their familiar mundanity, heartbeats and fairly even breaths, even the occasional chuckle from Jason filling out the scene.


Something felt... off, but he pushed his doubts aside as he paid for the groceries, gathering up the few bags to carry home, realizing he was being ridiculous. After all, if he came home to no surprise at all, it wouldn't do to be disapp―

The sudden vibration of his cell phone in his pants pocket broke him out of his thoughts, startling him, and he shifted the plastic grocery bags to one hand to fish out the phone with the other, flipping it open. “Clark Kent,” he greeted.

“Hey, Clark, it's Jimmy,” the voice on the other end replied cheerfully. “When you and Lois left earlier, I forgot to ask you for that file on the Miller Savings and Trust articles. I'm gonna need it to put captions to all these photos.”

“Oh, it's in my desk. Should be in the top drawer, filed under 'Miller',” Clark said as he ducked around a corner into an alley so he could head home the quick way.

“Great! Thanks, I'll just―” There was the sound of a metal drawer being yanked unsuccessfully, and Jimmy swore under his breath. “Uh... your desk is locked, man.”

“Huh?” Clark was confused for a moment, then mentally smacked himself. He remembered locking the drawer that afternoon when he moved a few of his “Superman” files there, complete with personal notes written in the margins of several articles. “Dangit. Sorry, Jim. I'll be there in a minute and get the file out for you.”

“Thanks, Clark!”

Already in the air, Clark shut his phone and turned south to head back to the Planet.

* * * * *

“Here it is,” Clark smiled, handing the file over to a seemingly overly-excited Jimmy.

“Excellent. Thanks for coming in, man. I hope I didn't mess up your evening, you know, it being your last hurrah before turning thirty-one,” the photographer said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Clark only raised an eyebrow at him from behind thick-rimmed glasses. “Um... no. It's fine. Actually, I've really gotta get back. Lois is cooking dinner tonight, and it seems I've got all the ingredients,” he explained, picking up the grocery bags from next to his desk. Good thing Jimmy's in on all this, or I'd never be able to explain how I got here so quick with an armload of groceries.

“Oh, yeah... Well, see you tomorrow, then!” Jimmy clapped him on the back, breaking off to get back to his own work.

At that moment his cell phone decided to vibrate at him again from his pocket. Dropping the bags on the floor, he reached for the phone again and flipped it open. “Clark Kent!” he said in a higher tone than usual, slightly exasperated.

“Hey, hon, it's me,” came Lois's voice from the other end. “I'm glad I caught you while you're still out. I totally forgot that we're all out of milk and butter, too. Oh, and olive oil. Could you―?”

Clark ran a hand through his hair, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a smile involuntarily. “I'll go back. Are you sure that's everything?” he chuckled teasingly. “Any dry cleaning you want me to pick up? Tailoring? Pharmacy run? Exotic flowers from a far-off locale to go on the table?”

“Har har,” Lois returned dryly. “Just get the milk and stuff, you,” she finished, the hint of a tease creeping into her own voice.

“Yes, ma'am.”

After closing his phone again, Clark grabbed the bags from his first grocery run and headed out, his wheels spinning. Oh, Lois was up to something for sure.

* * * * *

When he finally had everything Lois had sent him out for, Clark returned to the apartment, landing on the wide balcony to come in the quick way.

Hoping to sneak up on whatever surprise might be waiting for him.

Though he felt a slight twinge of guilt for it, he knew Lois would have done the same - well, without the landing on the balcony part. Heck, she probably would have spied on him at every opportunity to get the upper hand, and in fact, had when it was her own birthday.

Stepping silently, Clark listened for the tell-tale signs of something amiss, but again, everything was quiet. The sounds of the television, keys clacking on Lois's laptop, two heartbeats, and two people breathing was all that met him.

Unwittingly, his heart sank a little. Dammit, why did I have to get myself so worked up? he scolded himself. It wasn't like he was even happy about his birthday. Hadn't he told Lois he didn't want the reminder of the time he'd missed? God, I'm such a doofus.

Trying not to scowl as he began to feel suddenly and completely ashamed of himself, he went to the door, not bothering to try to peer through as he turned the handle. As it was, he could see the outline of Lois and Jason sitting on the couch through the full length curtain covering the French door.

The latch clicked open, and he swung the door wide.

The sight that met him made his heart skip a beat.

* * * * *

“Surprise!” the apartment full people cheered as Clark stood in the doorway, his mouth falling open in utter shock and the bags dropping from his hand. The living room was decorated with blue, red, and yellow streamers, balloons, confetti, even a banner with his name on it, and a buffet of food had been set up on the dinner table in the nook close to the kitchen.

“Uh...” was all he managed as he took it all in, realizing after the initial shock passed that the apartment was filled with his closest friends, coworkers, and allies in the hero community. His Ma grinned at him, coming forward to clasp his head, reach up to kiss his cheek, and bestow her birthday wishes, followed by Ben, offering his own hearty hug, and even- “Lana!” he cried out happily as the redhead came through the room, wishing him a happy birthday. “Pete!” Grinning at his friends from so long ago, he swept them both up into a laughter-filled hug, absolutely floored that they had made the trip out for his birthday. “I can't believe it!” he finally said, setting his friends back on their feet. “How did you all... I don't get it. I mean...”

At his overjoyed stammer, Lois appeared at his side, slipping her arms around his waist to hug him tightly.

“Happy birthday, you,” she smiled up at him, before reaching up to kiss him quickly.

“Lois!” he breathed, returning her kiss. “It's... how did you do all this? I didn't see... or hear... huh?” he went on, shaking his head in confusion.

Chuckling lightly, his wife led him more fully into the apartment by an elbow. “Wasn't all that difficult to get this past you since I had a little help from Dr. Hamilton, in the form of a white noise machine, an audio recording, and a special projector. Oh! And a certain friend from Gotham lent his help with all the arrangements.”

“Bruce?” Clark questioned, his brows knitting together, until his friend and sometimes partner stepped from the small, milling crowd of party-goers, coming forward to give him a hearty handshake and a clap on the back. “Bruce! How on Earth did you two―?”

The dark-eyed man grinned smugly. “Email, Clark. This was all done through email.” He nodded toward Lois, “And all orchestrated by one brilliantly scheming woman.”

“Got that right!” Lois laughed as two little boys breezed past her to launch themselves at Clark.

Scooping them up eagerly, Clark hugged Jason tight and grinned at his son's friend, Bruce's newly adopted son, Dick. “You two had a hand in this, too, I bet,” he teased.

“Yup!” the two boys chorused, nodding.

Jason plowed forward, “We got to help with the decorations. I blew up the balloons.”

“And I got to hang the banner!” little almost-eight-year-old Dick beamed.

Unable to suppress his laughter, Clark chuckled warmly, hugging the two boys again.

* * * * *

Several hours later, Lois found Clark out on the balcony, staring out at the twinkling city while the party went on inside the little apartment. “Hey,” she said, slipping up next to him and laying a hand on the small of his back.

“Hey,” he returned, turning fully to look at her. Bringing a hand up, he tucked a lock of her hair behind one ear and stroked her cheek with his fingertips. “This was amazing, Lois.”

“Can I take that to mean you don't feel so bad about turning thirty-one, then?” she smirked.

“Absolutely,” he smiled. “But you know,” he went on, a mischievous glint coming into his eyes, “I knew you were up to something.”

“Oh, really?”

“Mm-hmm. You hardly ever send me out to run errands for you.”

Smacking a palm over her face, Lois groaned. But she recovered quickly. “Well, no, I don't, but you can't tell me that when you came to that door and didn't see a party inside, your heart wasn't crushed into tiny pieces.”

Clark sighed heavily, his smile growing wider. “I guess you got me after all.”

“That, I did,” Lois agreed, and as she leaned close to him, she whispered into his ear, “Now, how about those birthday spankings?”

* * * * *

fandom: dcu: superman reeveverse, fic: gift fic, fic: challenge fic, fandom: dcu: batman movieverse, fandom: dcu: superman iii, fandom: dcu: superman returns, ch: dick grayson, fandom: dcu: batman nolanverse, ch: bruce wayne, pr: clark kent/lois lane, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse, ch: jimmy olsen, ch: clark kent, fandom: dcu, fandom: dcu: superman i, ch: batman, ch: lois lane, challenge: 12days_of_clois, series: superman: aftermath, ch: superman, ch: jason white, .fic, fic: fic

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