Fic: Command Decisions | Star Trek XI/TOS | Kirk, Pike (gen) | PG | 1/1

May 20, 2009 18:15

Title: Command Decisions
Fandom: Star Trek XI (with hints of TOS)
Characters: Jim Kirk, Christopher Pike (gen)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,281
Summary: After the Enterprise returns to spacedock, Pike summons Kirk to his office for a chat about Jim's future.
Disclaimer: Paramount and CBS own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Missing scene ( Read more... )

ch: christopher pike, fandom: star trek, .fic, ch: james kirk, fic: fic, fandom: star trek: xi, fandom: star trek: tos

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Comments 40

jedibuttercup May 21 2009, 01:02:49 UTC
Nice. I've seen a few variations on this type of scene already (and am in fact writing one of my own) but yours is very plausible, and I like your take on the characters. Well done.


saavikam77 May 21 2009, 03:34:35 UTC
Thanks! :) I've only seen another drabble like this so far, but I'm glad mine works well. I really felt like it needed a good explanation. And for Kirk to get a minor dressing down, at least. :p


daybreaq May 21 2009, 03:27:45 UTC
Hee! I love how Kirk thinks he's getting kicked out and then gets promoted five ranks! "I ... what?" Kirk may be considered arrogant by some but I'm glad you wrote him as being totally floored; because it's got to be a totally unheard of situation ( ... )


saavikam77 May 21 2009, 03:47:43 UTC
Wow!! I am totally floored by your feedback! :D I haven't had a comment this long in many moons. :p ( ... )


liquidengineer0 May 22 2009, 01:02:07 UTC
This fic is awesome and I'll give it a proper review later, but I just wanted to mention the test Troi was required to take was the Bridge Officer's Exam, required for all those who want to be authorized to command a starship within its official chain of command, but are not command officers such as the Captain, First Officer, or Second Officer. No one who failed the test could command a starship except in an emergency. At least, this is the explanation on Memory Alpha. If I recall correctly, when Troi passed the test she was promoted to Commander, which Data (who had just been mind-screwed for the 4532nd time) noted when he realized she outranked him. :P ( ... )


saavikam77 May 22 2009, 01:28:32 UTC
I admit it, I didn't even think of looking that up on Memory Alpha. XD Thanks for the info. We'll just call this 'inspired by', then. :p

I do like that Abrams confirmed that about the tech level, too. That's what I'd figured, but it's nice to have confirmation.


dreamlittleyo May 21 2009, 04:19:01 UTC
YAAAAAY! *bookmarks for tomorrow*


saavikam77 May 21 2009, 13:29:37 UTC
Wheee!! XD


silentflux May 21 2009, 05:01:02 UTC
Loved this - I can totally see it happening this way!


saavikam77 May 21 2009, 13:30:14 UTC
Thank you! :D


schweinsty May 21 2009, 05:30:25 UTC
Oh, I liked this :D. I can so see this happening, especially Pike's 'stern look' but obvious pride. :). Thanks for posting!


saavikam77 May 21 2009, 13:31:44 UTC
Thanks so much! :D I get the feeling that Pike was a lot more of a father figure to Kirk at this point, so he'd be giving stern lectures with that clear pride. ^__^


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