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saavikam77 May 17 2009, 17:25:34 UTC
Yay!! \O/ I often feel stuck in the middle b/c of my age, so it's good to know I'm not alone in that. :p Growing up on Next Gen, it was hard to get respect from some of the really old-school Trekkies, but I fought for it, for sure, and the sparkle text makes me shudder, too. Remembering IDIC is going a long way to helping me enjoy the new fandom explosion. ^__^


lisamariedavis May 17 2009, 17:49:42 UTC
I have to say, Spock/Uhura took me by surprise, but OMG I love them together!


saavikam77 May 17 2009, 18:07:26 UTC
I know, right? Not unexpected for me, since I knew about it from spoilers beforehand, but absolutely welcomed. ^__^


htbthomas May 17 2009, 17:57:44 UTC
I've been seeing it everywhere lately (though an old friend's icon was the first time I saw it)... What dies IDIC stand for?


saavikam77 May 17 2009, 18:08:20 UTC
Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination. It's a tenet of Vulcan philosophy.

Seriously, that's about as close as I get to a philosophy for life. :) I really need to upload that icon I have of the symbol...


saavikam77 May 17 2009, 18:11:51 UTC
Okay, so you can't see the whole symbol since I cropped it ~artfully~ (*cough*), but this is it. :D


htbthomas May 17 2009, 20:37:47 UTC
Thanks! It's been driving me crazy, but not enough to just look it up. :D


ladyoneill May 17 2009, 22:06:06 UTC
Cheers to that! I grew up watching TOS in repeats on Saturday afternoons and while I was never a STNG fan, I loved DS9 and enjoyed both Voyager and Enterprise and loved movies 2, 3 and 4 to pieces. I just got back from seeing the new movie and I have no issues at all with it. It was a brilliant AU that I think has rejuvenated the Trek Verse, and I adore Spock/Uhura. :)


saavikam77 May 17 2009, 22:36:51 UTC
Everything you said (except that I loved Next Gen). :D

I really wish a lot of people would get their heads out of their asses over the new movie, but to each their own. I don't have to read their bitching, anyway. :p


ladyoneill May 17 2009, 22:44:41 UTC
After the movie I told my parents that people online were all upset that this movie erased all that came before and they both laughed in disbelief (and dad was a huge TOS fan). I mean, they even discuss the alt universe theory IN the movie! This is all parallel now. I think it was a great move to revitalize a kind of stagnant universe.


saavikam77 May 17 2009, 22:50:04 UTC
I know! I don't understand how people could have missed that. I mean, were they just not paying attention, or what? O_o

I really do love the way they did the movie to preserve the original timeline, too. And if people are still pissed about the destruction of Romulus, I just say: hey, there's nothing preventing the existing of another branch wherein the original timeline is preserved AND Romulus still exists! :p Such a brilliant way to bring the idea of a multiverse into the fold. And yeah, it was about time we got some new blood on the screen. ^__^


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saavikam77 May 18 2009, 02:12:42 UTC
Haha! Yes! :p That would make an excellent icon.

I've been reading so much fic, too. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be enjoying Kirk/McCoy! XD

I totally don't get the literal OTP thing, either. There's just no reason to think it has to be one or the other, and nothing else.



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saavikam77 May 18 2009, 03:07:53 UTC
If I knew how to make animated icons, I'd be all over that. XD

And yes! Deforest always felt like a great-uncle to me, and Shatner and Nimoy were older than my parents, so it was hard for me to get on board with much there. :p Watching TOS the last few days though, older, wiser, and with slash goggles firmly in place, I'm finally seeing the K/S. The McCoy pairings have been so much easier to see with the new cast, though. I don't think I'll ever quite see it in TOS.

I'm with you on Trip/T'Pol, too. Gods, what a pairing! Never got into online fandom for Enterprise, but I'm sure I would have read plenty of Trip/Malcolm, too. :p

*pretends I am not plotting a T'Pol/Spock Prime fic at all.*


Tell me you saw the prompt for this pairing that I might or might not have posted over at the kink meme! ~O_O~ *wibble*


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