FIclet: The Way You Work | DCU | Barbara/Dinah | PG | 1/1

Apr 09, 2009 16:57

Title: The Way You Work
Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Barbara/Dinah
Rating: PG
Word Count: 231
Prompt: for seriousfic - Babs/Dinah (platonic or not), people-watching
Summary: Babs catches up with Dinah during patrol.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: The first of the request ficlets from yesterday! :D

The Way You Work

The voice in Babs' ear crackled with a momentary burst of static as wind blew across the rooftop where Dinah sat taking a breather after putting a stop to a street gang beat-out. "--swear, you'd think they'd get the pic-- after everything this city-- in the last few years."

"It's frustrating, I know," Babs replied, changing audio channels and switching her central screen to a video feed that was close to her partner's current location. "The two on the corner with the red bandannas, part of the gang?"

There was a slight pause as Dinah sought out the two from her perch. "Probably. Right colors, but they weren't there." Another pause, and Babs could swear there was a dark smirk on her friend's face when she went on, "I didn't exactly leave any of them free, much less conscious."

Giving a low chuckle at that, Babs shook her head, keying in the descriptions of possible accomplices for the police that were already on their way. "Hog tied and out cold. I love the way you work."

"What can I say? I'm a pro, babe."

Babs switched the feed again, to a camera overlooking Dinah's perch, and she smiled at the dark silhouette crouched at the edge of the rooftop, blonde hair uplifted with another gust of wind.

"That you are," she replied after a moment spent taking in the sight. "That you definitely are."

* * * * *

pr: black canary/oracle, ch: dinah lance, ch: black canary, fandom: dcu, ch: oracle, ch: barbara gordon, fic: ficlet, .fic, pr: barbara gordon/dinah lance, fic: request fic

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