Fic: Lost Time | DCU/SR/BB | Clark/Lois | PG-13 | 1/1

Feb 27, 2009 11:18

Title: Lost Time
Fandom: Superman Returns/Batman Begins
Pairing: Clark/Lois, Bruce (past Lois/Bruce)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,534
Prompt: for the 12days_of_clois 2009 Valentine's Day Challenge: #10 - Reunited
Summary: On their first Valentine's Day after Clark's return from the dead, Clark's plans for a romantic weekend seem to be going down the tubes. That is, until they get a little help from a friend.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: This fic follows Awaiting the Ghost of Christmas Past, in the future of Superman: Aftermath, and also alludes to past Lois/Bruce. Any other slashy vibes are, uh, completely coincidental. *shifty eyes*

Lost Time

Snow had started to blanket Metropolis two days before Valentine's Day, falling almost steadily the entire time, much to Clark's chagrin. It of course meant more work for him, helping get drivers out of broken down and wrecked vehicles on the highway and to safety, and less time to plan his weekend away with Lois, their first Valentine's since he'd returned from the dead not two months prior. He'd wanted to take her to Paris, Niagara, the Fortress, all the places they'd had encounters in their long-ago past, but without time to set up hotel and restaurant reservations, it just wasn't going to happen.

Which in turn meant he'd have to improvise. Not that he'd never had to do that before. Really, it was old hat by now.

The problem was, just going to the Fortress―and maybe out to dinner, if they could find a place that wasn't too crowded―seemed too ordinary considering the enormity of the holiday for them.

Clark wanted to do something extra special for Lois this year, but felt like he'd already failed spectacularly.

By the afternoon before Valentine's, he'd completely convinced himself of that failure. Naturally, he'd already ordered flowers and arranged for Jason and Dick to take the kids up to Titans Tower for the weekend, but he just had that sinking feeling that the still-steady snowfall wasn't going to give him any more time off, to take a breather, much less to woo his wife of eight years.

So when he got a cryptic voice mail message from Bruce instructing him to drop what he was doing and head to Metropolis International Airport, he was both confused as all get out, and relieved to have a moment's diversion from all the highway rescues.

Finding Bruce waiting next to his private jet just made the confusion that much worse. Usually, if Bruce was in Metropolis, he'd be on the move, not waiting for him on the tarmac.

After a quick change out of his uniform, he trotted out to the plane, making a slight show of his effort, just in case. “I got your message, Bruce. What's going on?” he asked with an obligatory glasses adjustment.

He could swear there was a hint of mischief in his friend's eyes as he replied, “Got a surprise for you. Get on the plane.”

“Um... okay....” Clark answered, moving to step up into the jet.

Inside, the cabin was decked out in flowers, roses mostly, lots of red and pink and colors he didn't even know existed in nature, and the pit just about fell out of Clark's stomach. Startled by the sight, he turned to Bruce, who'd followed him up, and raised an eyebrow. “Um, I'm flattered, Bruce, really, but... you do know I'm married, right?” he chuckled, more confused than ever.

Bruce rolled his eyes almost comically. “Like I could forget. It's for you and Lois, idiot.”

Lois chose that moment to emerge from the rear compartment of the plane, much to Clark's relief; he hadn't been sure if he was gonna have to rebuff an advance from his best friend. And wouldn't that have been awkward? But the sight of his wife took his mind right off of that train of thought, dressed simply in jeans and an old, faded pink sweater, that... oh, God, it was the pink sweater from so many years ago, that she'd held onto while he'd been on his fool's quest to find Krypton, and that she'd worn for their interview while the world was going to hell in a hand-basket, after which they'd shared that kiss, their first real kiss since his return....

His knees went momentarily weak at the memories, and he couldn't help the three steps that closed the distance between them before he swept her up into a deep kiss, hands cradling her face gently, foregoing any other verbal greeting they might have had for each other.

After a long moment they came up for air, pulling back from the kiss enough for Clark to grin against her lips. “Did you know about this?”

Lois shook her head minutely, blinking up at him with a smile of her own. “Nope. I saw the kids off to Titans Tower when Dick came to pick them up, and then Bruce sprung this on me.” Her eyes flitted briefly over to Bruce, who was up at the front of the plane giving directions to the pilot, and she smirked. “If I didn't know any better, I'd have been worried.”

Clark couldn't help a chuckle at that, glancing over his shoulder, too. “You and me, both.” Sliding an arm down around his wife's waist, he turned and cleared his throat to get their host's attention.

Bruce nodded to the pilot just around the cockpit wall, and stepped back over to them quickly. “You're both off duty for the next four days. No Planet, no League, no kids, zip. Already cleared on all levels.”

“How did you manage to―?” But Clark cut himself off with a short laugh and a knowing look. “Never mind. I already know. You're Batman.”

“Nice to see you kept your sense of humor,” Bruce smiled at him, before continuing his run-down of their itinerary. “Anyway, you've got hotel and dinner reservations in Niagara tonight, Paris tomorrow, and Sydney on Sunday, just to give you some variety. Your choice of theater tickets are waiting for you in all three locations, should you decide to use them, and not spend all your time in your hotel room,” he added with another mischievous twinkle in his eye. “All your luggage and passports are already on-board, too, so you've got everything you need. And my Platinum Visa is at your disposal for anything else you might want.”

“Bruce―” Clark started, not quite sure he heard all that right.

“It's all on me, Clark. You two deserve it. Really.”

For a moment Clark just gaped at him, shocked to the core at his friend's generosity. Bruce had always been more than willing to lend a hand when they needed it, for whatever reason, but this... this was completely above and beyond the call of friendship. This was simply... indescribable. “Th-thank you,” he managed at last, his voice sounding awestruck even to his own ears.

He almost didn't even register it when Lois laid a hand on Bruce's arm and gave him that soft, warm smile she'd always had for him since Clark's return. “Thank you so much, Bruce,” she said quietly, and with that, Clark picked up on the slight increase of her heart rate, her temperature rising ever so slightly.

Of course it would, he thought, coming back to his senses. He'd known almost since the moment of his return what had transpired between them during his absence. Not that it mattered. He'd been gone. Dead, as far as they'd known. And really, if there was anyone Clark would have picked for her, it would have been Bruce. Their trust and friendship was just that deep.

And that was all in the past now, anyway. So why harbor jealousy? He'd felt it those first few days, certainly, but to his surprise it had faded and given way to gratitude and relief. Lois and the kids had been taken care of, and would have been taken care of as long as they needed to be, if Clark hadn't returned.

Seeing this remnant of that time before him, Clark could only smile, himself. That Bruce would so gladly set this up for them... well, it spoke of so much honor that Clark almost couldn't comprehend it.

“Seriously, thank you,” he repeated at last, squeezing Bruce's other arm briefly and giving him a pointed look.

“You're welcome,” Bruce smiled back, genuinely, patting each of their hands in turn before slipping away toward the door to head out. But before ducking out the doorway he stopped and said, “Just have fun, all right? I've got everything covered here, so there's no need to worry about anything but each other.”

“We promise,” Clark nodded back.

When Bruce finally stepped out and shut the door behind him, Clark turned to his wife, taking one of her hands in both of his. “So, Miss Lane, I understand Niagara's very pretty this time of year,” he said, smirking lopsidedly.

“Pretty enough, I imagine,” Lois shot back noncommittally. “And I apparently packed a certain white skirt suit that I'd forgotten was even in my closet....”

Clark's eyes went wide at the memory, and he wondered just what else they might get to re-live on their long weekend jaunt around the world. With thoughts of their time apart falling away, they both turned their attention to each other, reunited and long-overdue for some time away, where they could just be together and celebrate their love for each other. And if this trip had taken some intervention on the part of a very good friend that they both thanked the gods for, then so be it. Clark and Lois had lost time to make up for.

* * * * *

pr: bruce wayne/lois lane, fic: challenge fic, fandom: dcu: batman movieverse, fandom: dcu: superman returns, fandom: dcu: batman nolanverse, ch: bruce wayne, pr: clark kent/lois lane, fandom: dcu: superman movieverse, ch: clark kent, fandom: dcu, ch: batman, ch: lois lane, series: superman: aftermath, ch: superman, challenge: 12days_of_clois, .fic, fic: fic

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