Ficlet: Traitorous | Smallville | Clark/Oliver | PG | 1/1

Feb 15, 2009 11:53

Title: Traitorous
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Oliver
Rating: PG
Word Count: 402
Prompt: for the smallearth Valentine's Challenge, Team Clark - heart
Summary: It's the little things that tell Ollie the truth.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Notes: Hmmm... I don't think I've actually written this pairing before... Let's hope this works. :p


It was the little things that told Oliver the truth about his feelings for Clark, that told him Clark was the one for him. Those little traitorous things that he'd tried to deny for so long. The way the room started to feel just a tad too warm whenever Clark was there, the way his palms tended to sweat just a little when they engaged in a charged discussion. The way he couldn't quite seem to get enough air when Clark sped in out of nowhere, the way his heart beat faster at the mere sight of the Boy Scout.

Oh, yes, it was the heart that did it. Beating just a little harder, rushing with adrenaline that shouldn't have had any reason to course through his veins, all at the caught gaze of dark blue eyes. Jumping in his chest, it hammered in what felt like Morse Code. THUMP-THUMP. SOS. CLARK. CLARK. THUMP-THUMP.

But he couldn't listen to it. It didn't make any sense. How could it, when so many signs had pointed to Clark being the one for Lois? When Ollie had been so tangled up with Tess for so long? And with issues with the League and Luthor only complicating things, it all just seemed so unlikely....


Snapping out of his momentary reverie, Oliver blinked heavily, refocusing on the object of his sidetrack as he brought his train of thought back to bear. “Huh? Oh, sorry, Clark.”

“Thought I'd lost you for a minute there,” Clark said, brow furrowed with concern as he reached out and laid a questioning hand on Ollie's bicep. “Everything okay?”

Oliver took a slow, deep breath, his skin on fire beneath Clark's hand as the sound of his own heartbeat thundered in his ears. THUMP-THUMP. Damn traitorous organ. There was no way Clark didn't hear it. And if he did....


If he did, and he was still standing here....

“Um....” Ollie started after a long moment, feeling a flush spread over him at Clark's faint, hopeful smile. “Everything's great, Clark.” THUMP-THUMP. “Out of curiosity, what are you doing this weekend?”

“You mean for Valentine's Day?”



Clark's smile grew to a grin, seeming to Ollie to light up the room. “I'm spending it with you, if you'll have me.”


Oh, yes, it was his traitorous heart that did it.

* * * * *

pr: clark kent/oliver queen, ch: green arrow, fandom: dcu, ch: clark kent, ch: superman, fic: challenge fic, challenge: misc dcu, fic: ficlet, pr: green arrow/superman, .fic, fandom: dcu: smallville, ch: oliver queen

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