May 23, 2006 22:23

Okay so. I just got home from my sister's house. Because it's dark, our porch light was on. Because the porch light was on, there were about, oh, A BILLION june bugs on the screen door. I may never go outside again. least at night ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

vertrauen May 24 2006, 03:35:16 UTC
I'm not the only one who thinks that? Whenever someone has used a Dick icon on my flist, I always have to do a double take. Thank you for the validation. :)


tlace May 24 2006, 03:35:25 UTC
We may have discussed their ickiness last year but yeah, June bugs suck. *shudders*

If anyone should happen to see Ryan Hansen at a promotion or a con or just, you know, on the street, mention to him his resemblance to Ian Thorpe.
And thusly, your latest crush? ;)


saava May 24 2006, 04:15:29 UTC
Can't they just GO AWAY? I think I hate them even more than I hate woodticks or mosquitos, and THOSE actually suck your blood.

And thusly, your latest crush? ;)

Weirdly, no! My VM crush is still very much with the JDoh.


lauresque May 24 2006, 03:36:39 UTC brain went to some weird place where the band from taht's so raven got into synchronized swimming and thorpe was there and...


(...and you. since this is your fault. I LOVE YOU! I mittentyped yesterday because it was effing FREEZING)


bellanut May 24 2006, 04:09:38 UTC
(...and you. since this is your fault. I LOVE YOU! I mittentyped yesterday because it was effing FREEZING)

Don't you just love how cold it's been lately! I love our province. I heard it's gonna be hot over the weekend though.


lauresque May 24 2006, 04:10:34 UTC
there's totally a "of course it's gonna be hot, you're sharing a bed with ME!" joke in there somewhere... I just can't find it.... oh wait, I did.



bellanut May 24 2006, 04:14:47 UTC
Listen, Laura, I know you can't wait to sleep with me, but seriously, KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS!


ignote May 24 2006, 14:12:28 UTC
June bugs, BOOOO. I actually dug a dormant one out of our garden a few days a go, and it saw the ugly end of a shovel.


helpwess May 24 2006, 14:39:15 UTC
GIRL. Don't you know Ryan Hansen is in some African country doing good for children cursed with invisibility, or some shit? COME ON.


saava May 24 2006, 16:05:58 UTC
Well, he won't be there FOREVER, will he??? Unless they decide to film all of Dick's scenes on, like, the jungle or something.


helpwess May 24 2006, 16:09:50 UTC
oh man! they didnt tell us about dick's future because they had not yet figured out that he will be ON SAFARI ALL YEAR!!!


saava May 24 2006, 16:12:44 UTC
Picture Dick in a Safari hat and shorts and tell me that's not the best thing ever. Quick! Someone email RT!


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