Title: The Adventure of the Six Painted Virgins (Part 1/2)
saathi1013Summary: Sherlock dons an unusual disguise for a case. John is…conflicted. Character study, casefic, & smut (in that order).
Spoilers: The whole of BBC’s Sherlock (series/season 1), plus various references to Arthur Conan Doyle’s original Sherlock Holmes canon, and a subtle nod or two
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Comments 26
Wow. So powerful and a wonderful facet of John's personality that makes sense. This... is hitting quite close to home, and your writing is moving me so much.
Ye gawdz, awesome fic and art put together make the world a better place.
And then she was like, "So when will you post this?" I responded, "Well, when my betas finish bombing my egregious overuse of punctuation... so a day or two?" (Yes, they are THAT good, cripes!) And she said, "WELP, BETTER GET PAINTING." I almost DIED.
And then when I SAW it, I was totally going, "I AM NOT WORTHY." Because holy crap, she's incredible and amazing and asdjkldf.
"Nothing," Owen said, and then, at John's narrowed stare, he shrugged. "When I say the Rites, John, you look … quiet. Quiet all the way down, past skin and blood and bone. Quieter than most men who come to it late, or without questioning before coming back."
Wow! I just have to compliment your writing style and the way you put words together. Your description of the young soldier's death..I'm just speechless and in awe. The above quotes were just the two that stood out, but there are many more. This story is just so wonderfully evocative I'm completely drawn in. I can't wait to finish part 2 tomorrow!
And what an interesting and contradictional topic.
YOu're handling it very, very well. *me being one of those who were an altar-girl, then becoming fedup with the official/institutional church and yet loving going back to service and into churches*
Also the art. Homina! So very evocative and beautiful! It goes so very well with your writing and I can see your John in Afghanistan in my minds eye very well.
Also love the re-write of the canon fic, very clever!
And YEAH, I don't know what I did to deserve an amazing fanartist/friend like Marie, but I count my blessings every time she tells me she's doing art for one of my fics. She's AMAZING.
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