Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Nov 23, 2015 12:50

Whose woods these are I think I know.  
His house is in the village though;  
He will not see me stopping here  
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer  
To stop without a farmhouse near  
Between the woods and frozen lake  
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake  
To ask if ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

sartorias November 23 2015, 13:26:21 UTC
Oh, I am so glad you are okay! I can imagine how you felt (comparing to when I had a stroke). May you get stronger and well!


saare_snowqueen November 28 2015, 11:29:18 UTC
Thank you for the good wishes, and sorry for my long delay in answering. Things seem to be moving more slowly than normal these days.


sartorias November 28 2015, 13:37:16 UTC
Take it easy! It takes time to recover.


nwhyte November 23 2015, 15:35:22 UTC
Oh crumbs, Martha. Very glad to hear you are recovering, but what a shock!


saare_snowqueen November 28 2015, 11:31:10 UTC
Shock indeed. No one was more surprised than I.
Thank you for the good wishes.


ms_cataclysm November 23 2015, 15:45:32 UTC
I am sorry to hear this and hope that you are getting the very best of medical and feline attention during your convalescence.


saare_snowqueen November 28 2015, 11:33:15 UTC
Neri has amply expressed her approval at my return.
We are fortunate in having a very high level of medical care in today's e-Estonia, so I am hopeful a a full recovery.


heleninwales November 23 2015, 16:01:20 UTC
Oh, heavens! That must have been scary. I hope you make a full recovery.


saare_snowqueen November 28 2015, 11:34:28 UTC
I got scared after it was over. As it was happening, I was mainly curious. Thank you for the good wishes.


athenais November 24 2015, 02:30:19 UTC
I am shocked to hear it, glad you weathered it, hope you will be back to full health with all your pills and wonder if you know how to slow down. Thank you for letting us know.


saare_snowqueen November 28 2015, 11:37:12 UTC
LOL. I think you know me too well. Slow down, huh! That's a toughy.
Fortunately we are now into my quietest part of the work year; may have to pass on a few of the the Christmas parties, however.
Thanks for caring.


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