Title: The Song of Storm - side story/sequel to You think You know Me
Pairing: OhMiya (main), Sakuraiba (side), Aimiya
Rating: PG-13 - R (not sure, might change as the story goes on)
Genre: AU, fluff (A LOT! it's a warning! XD), romance
Summary: Nino's life was always full with ups and downs. But he deserves to be happy too, right? Who knew that'd be a
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Comments 7
i think that must be a shock for the other 2..
we will see how they'll deal with it.
aiba's reaction to nino's story was just cute! >.<
and i would love to walk in to see such a shoe between ohno and nino, too! *____*
thanks for sharing.
looking forward for the next one. ^^
I'm glad they're together <3
Ohchan news is so shock O.o
I wonder what will happen next
thank you for this
i hope they can live together happily ne~
and all the problem they have will be fix soon,
so they can stay together peacefully!!
thanks for your sharing and writing ^^V
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