Title: The Song of Storm - side story/sequel to You think You know Me
Pairing: OhMiya (main), Sakuraiba (side), Aimiya
Rating: PG-13 - R (not sure, might change as the story goes on)
Genre: AU, fluff, romance, angst (a lot!)
Summary: Nino's life was always full with ups and downs. But he desereves to be happy too, right? Who knew that'd be a stormy
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Comments 10
Thank you for the great chapter! *chu*
I knew you'll like it XD you were y other reason why I wrote the JunMa scene XDD they're just too cute together ^-^ hehe
thanks for reading!
I just read the 5 chapters of this fic and I totally love it ♥
I totally love the universe!
It's so angsty this chapter ♥
Thanks so much for writing it!
So you have the love of your life while poor Satoshi is breaking his heart???
I can understand him... This involves his career and Nino's life... But I guess that can't be helped, right? Love is stronger than everything...
Longing for more!
why is it so sad!?
but i cant stop reading. haha
yeah i dont know if im M or S anymore. hahaha
JunxToma!! i knew it!! kyaaaa~ <3
im really surprised and so happy! haha
this fic will make me crazy! xD
thank you very much!! neeeext! >_
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