"Follow you heart and nothing else. And you can do this if you try...."

Sep 27, 2009 20:10

Hi there :)
I am back a bit earlier as I thought. I spent my free afternoon fighting with Photoshop and screencaps xD, hopefully you'll like something...

5x01 - Sympathy for the Devil - icons [1x] and animated banners [4x]
5x03 - Free to be You and Me [11x]


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!icons, !animated banners, tv show: supernatural

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Comments 11

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gjane September 27 2009, 19:28:05 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you like it :)


cackling_madly September 27 2009, 19:40:53 UTC
Love becky! Snagging with thanks. Will definitley credit when used:D


gjane September 27 2009, 19:45:12 UTC
She was awesome xD
Glad you like it ;)


aaania80 September 28 2009, 00:26:40 UTC
love the colouring, bb!


gjane September 28 2009, 07:34:48 UTC
Dziekuje kochanie :DD


ckll September 28 2009, 09:10:46 UTC
Your style here amazes me, i surely love and take :D


gjane September 28 2009, 09:32:31 UTC
Thanks a lot Jas-love :DD


ramoniciu September 28 2009, 14:00:49 UTC
Ohh, beautiful Jess! And beautiful Sam! You´re Becky animations looks quite good with this white background. You cut her out very good, must have been a lot of work to do it.


gjane September 28 2009, 16:10:44 UTC
Danke Ramoni :D
I really glad you like them :)
I tried some new effects with animated banners...I am happy it worked, lol. If I have to be honest, Becky isn't moving a lot in this short scene, so actually it wasn't so difficult. Easier than the other ones :PP
But it took some time...


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