Title: Get to the point. Time's running out. (10 drabbles)
Author: SA3466996
Rating: Ranges from PG-13 to FRM
Category: Various including general, hurt/comfort, angst, friendship and humour
Genre: Multiple
Pairing(s): Het - DiNozzo/Jeanne
Character(s): Various including Gibbs, DiNozzo, McGee, Jeanne, Mike Franks and mentions Jackson Gibbs
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Comments 7
Mind you, I find my fetish for fics where Tony leaves is getting stronger by the day!!!
Thank you!
LOL! I know the feeling. I really don't like how (in the later seasons) more emphasis seems to have been placed on belittling Tony to get a cheap laugh. I want to laugh 'with' him not 'at' him. Hence my own urge to read 'Tony socks it to them and leaves' type fics. *g* Having said that, I do hope TPTB don't make Tony leave. If they did, the show wouldn't have the same appeal for me.
Btw - Merry Christmas! Hope you had a great day.
Enjoy the rest of the holidays!
Enjoy the rest of the holidays, and keep writing. ;-)
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