The Velocity Of A Kebab [index]

Nov 20, 2009 00:08

Title: The Velocity Of A Kebab
Rating: Teen [language and sexual situations]
Characters: PC Andy/Tosh, Owen, Jack, Ianto, Rhys
Advisories: AU, character death
Disclaimer: I'm denying I speak English at this point
Note: Written for tw_bigbang 2009; betaed by ljgeoff and otrame, with special thanks to zeddish for research assistance

Summary: The flap of a wing, a slight change of angle, and the task of chasing after the spooky-do's could have fallen to another of Cardiff's finest...

image You can watch this video on

Everything Changed
Greek Fire
Kiss, Kiss
Something Blue
No Exit

fic trailer by erin_giles


kebab!verse, andy, velocity_of_a_kebab

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