
May 18, 2006 19:42

Is there a way in the SmoothSailing layout to set it up so that on your friends page, for the different security settings, the background of the Subject bar is a different color according to the security setting?

For example: with a public entry, the background of the Subject line would be medium green, for protected, dark green, and for private entries (you make) light green.

Pic example that I manipulated in Photoshop

I don't always notice the little icons that tell what the security level of an entry is, but color changes would work. I know way back when s1 was the only thing available, it was possible with custom styles. I had made one that did that. Is it possible to do with SmoothSailing? I'd prefer to do it with CSS, but I can work with layers as well.

Thanks for any help!
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