This is code to display your tags in a sidebar box. By naming your tags using a delimiter, for example animals:cats:tabbies or animals:cats:siamese, where the colon is the delimiter, you can display a heirarchical list of tags. If you feel your tags list will take up too much space in the sidebar, there is example styling provided to limit the
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Comments 55
Compile error: line 82, column 14: Unknown function Page::visible_tag_list()
And this is my line 82 (although that's not overly helpful, I know. But where is visible_tag_list() specified at? Is it just a standard LJ function?)
82: if (size $p->visible_tag_list() > 0)
Sometimes, older layers that were compiled before tags went live can't recognize the newer functions that have been added in. Try recompiling your theme layer without the modifications, and after that retry putting in the modifications from this tutorial.
Also, if you're using your own layout layer (for instance, some people who started using Flexible Squares from back when it won the contest but before it went live system wide c&ped the entire layout layer), recompile that too, before adding in the modifications that have to do with tags.
li.tagItem {padding-left: 0px; list-style: none;}
li.tagItem ul li {padding-left: 15px; list-style: none;}
The result of using the colon in your tags is a nested list, which should look like this:
veronica mars
(Some explanation for boutondor: This community uses the bundle approach, which you can see in its sidebar. You start off by picking some overall bundle names, in the comm's case, "By Topic", "By Account Type", "For Official Use Only" and "Special". Then in some theme layer code you specifically assign certain tags to the different bundles. The code will automatically generates a two-tiered list, with tags associated with each bundle geting listed under the appropriate bundle name. The benefits are that you don't need to change any tag names -- your tag names can remain quite simple. Also, you can assign a single tag to more than one bundle. The downside is that whenever you want to add a tag to a bundle, you need to make a very minor tweak to your theme layer code. Also, it really only works in a two-level list situation -- you couldn't have a more nested list.)
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