Borders around icons - SOLVED

Nov 16, 2006 05:40

Does anyone know how to remove the border around the default icon in the sidebar? I tried a couple of things myself, but it wouldn't work. If it matters, I'm using firefox 2.0, have a paid account and using the ocean theme.

sidebar:profile:user icon

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Comments 5

nimoloth November 16 2006, 11:59:39 UTC
I'm afraid I never did figure that one out. I suppose you could hack it and create a new class around the picture in the source code (if possible - it may not be) and force no border that way.


av8rmike November 16 2006, 14:08:30 UTC
Try this:
.widget .user-pic img {
border: none;


weehobbit February 12 2007, 05:01:16 UTC
completely late to this post but i was looking for the answer to this, so thank you! :)


maka2000 June 9 2007, 15:12:42 UTC
Thank you! That's exactly what I need.


flockofgulls June 23 2011, 18:12:32 UTC


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