Default User Icon in Sidebar

Mar 01, 2010 11:46

I am sort of new to CSS and working with this layout (Mixit "Bookworm Blue") and I can't seem to get the default userpic and profile info to show up in the sidebar - probably because I don't know the coding for it.

the sidebar code )

sidebar:profile, sidebar:profile:user icon

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Comments 4

av8rmike March 1 2010, 16:55:38 UTC
Um. It's not showing up because you're hiding it.


kel_reiley March 1 2010, 17:03:03 UTC
right, how do i UN-hide it? (very VERY new to CSS)


av8rmike March 1 2010, 17:07:43 UTC
Remove the display: none;


kel_reiley March 1 2010, 17:16:44 UTC
AH! thank you
i knew it would be something simple and obvious like that ;)


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