[SOLVED!] Nav link divider colors and decoration image cut-off

Oct 07, 2009 11:05

Hi! I've probably put in about 6 hours searching through Google and this comm's tags to tweak my journal. Thanks for all the great info here ( Read more... )

pageviews:year, entries:header:ornament, header:nav links:colors, header:nav links

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Comments 7

av8rmike October 7 2009, 12:54:49 UTC
1) Remove this line:
.nav li.first { padding-left: 2; border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF; }
and replace it with:
#header .nav .item { border-left-color: #ffffff;}

2) Try this:
.lj-view-archive .asset-stream .asset-header { padding-bottom: 60px;}


ladycoreopsis October 7 2009, 16:34:46 UTC
Hi, thank you for your comment!

1) Worked brilliantly. Thank you!

2) I tried your bit of code but it doesn't seem to budge anything. I've tried various pixel paddings since your comment, various padding positions (top, bottom, etc). Nothing is making that thing budge. I even went into GIMP, shrunk the image down to 32*32 and it still cuts off the image in the calendar view.


anti_aol October 7 2009, 23:14:31 UTC
2) It's showing up fine for me; it's not cut off. I opened the dandelion in a separate tab in my browser just to make sure the dimensions for it in your journal matched the image's original size. They do. Which browser are you using (I'm using Firefox 3.5)?

OK, never mind, I see the problem now. :)

There's a conflict with the code you have for .asset-header along the top of your style sheet and what Mike gave you to fix the archive page's dandelion for some reason (like, using the !important tag isn't solving it for me). I'm working on it...

Never mind; maybe technically there is a conflict in there (but on closer examination, maybe not) but in the amount of time it would take me to explain why it seemed so I could just give you the code that fixes whatever is wrong. So here, try this:

.lj-view-archive .asset-header {padding-bottom: 20px;}

For some reason taking the .asset-stream class out of Mike's code worked for me - at least it does in Firefox.


ladycoreopsis October 8 2009, 04:47:38 UTC
Yes! Brilliant. That did the trick. Thank you very much for your effort!

Now I'll have to add it into the Calendar's monthly views as well, but I'll search around for what that view is called on my own. ;)


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