Background Messing Up On Other Resolutions

Sep 04, 2008 05:26

Earlier on, I asked how to push ONLY ENTRIES to the right, so they wouldn't spill over onto a graphic I had as a background image. (Btw, I'm still looking for a way to do this. Help?) I placed the graphic there using the sidebar. Some people with other resolutions (Mine is 1024 x 768) told me the graphic was out of place for them, like it went too ( Read more... )

sidebar:size, entries:background, page:size

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Comments 4

av8rmike September 4 2008, 02:46:34 UTC
You didn't need to delete your other post. Which way do you want to go, putting the image where the sidebar goes and re-sizing the entries, or making the graphic a background for the page?


jlostein September 4 2008, 03:27:56 UTC
I'm sorry, I thought that as it wasn't relevant anymore, I'd delete it so people wouldn't get confused. Well, I'd actually like to try both, in case one doesn't work out, thanks so much.


av8rmike September 4 2008, 03:50:56 UTC
Well, the problem now is an extra space between "url" and a ( in the .layout-tw #content-inner {} section, which is why the image isn't showing up.


jlostein September 4 2008, 05:31:00 UTC
Thank you so much! I tweaked everything around for hours on end, and that was the only thing missing. Thanks so much again! :D


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