Center Header Nav Links Under Header

Sep 02, 2008 13:20

I tried to look here to see if this might solve my problem but, alas, I'm utterly horrible at coding and I couldn't get it to work. Graphics I can do. Coding...not so much. So what I was trying to do was center the header's navigation links underneath the header I designed OR I could take the header's navigation links and move them to the side ( Read more... )

header:nav links:placement, sidebar:headers, header:nav links

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Comments 3

av8rmike September 2 2008, 19:23:49 UTC
You'll have to increase the height of #header to allow room for the links beneath the image and change the link colors so that they show up on the background color.
Change this line:

#header-text {position: relative; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; height: 300px; margin: 0px auto;}

to something more like this:

#header-text {position: absolute; top: 300px; width: 80%; max-width: 700px; margin: 0px auto;}


colorful_indeed September 2 2008, 19:46:03 UTC
Okay, that did help just a bit, but now the nav links are over on the left side, and don't appear unless I mouse over them. And my sidebar still looks...odd. *headdesk* I'm sorry, I'm so terrible at this! :P

... )


av8rmike September 3 2008, 12:58:13 UTC
That's because you didn't do what I said to do in my first sentence, namely: change the color of the links so that they'll show up, and increase the height attribute of #header to allow vertical space for the links.
To shift the links right, you'll have to add a left rule to #header-text{}
The sidebar looks weird because you have position:absolute specified in .about-me-widget dl.profile-list {}. Was that in the original stylesheet?


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