Background Problem in IE

Jul 22, 2008 21:36

This one's got me stumped. I switched anti-aol's layout to one of grrliz's styles recently and it's awesome IMO but it has always had this one problem in IE 6 that you can also see here. The gray box around the inner container is not caused by any background color that I can see in the style sheet - unless I'm just plain goin' blind. So I cannot fathom what's ( Read more... )

bug:browser issues, sidebar:backgrounds, entries:background

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Comments 6

av8rmike July 23 2008, 03:57:16 UTC
I don't have IE6 here so I'll have to check when I get to work. grrliz takes the sane way out and simply refuses to support IE6 any more; I can't say I disagree with her.
Are comments coming from anonymous users? I think I can disable that...
EDIT: By which, I mean that commenting is now only enabled for registered users. Frankly, it never seemed to be an issue before.


anti_aol July 23 2008, 05:10:42 UTC
Well, thanks for making that change. Yes, it was an anonymous user (or users, I have no idea) spamming my posts.


av8rmike July 23 2008, 13:09:28 UTC
IE6 doesn't support alpha channel rendering (transparency) in PNGs, which is what Liz used to make all of those rounded graphics.
Test page

I poked around, but the only solutions I could find were ugly IE-proprietary hacks or JavaScript, neither of which are likely to work on LJ.


anti_aol July 23 2008, 20:03:04 UTC
I know that IE doesn't support alpha channel rendering but it never occurred to me that Liz used it on those graphics, since I'm not really sure what alpha channel rendering is or what it looks like (I've never used Photoshop a day in my life, as you might guess; using Paint.NET is as close to real "photoshopping" as I ever come). I tried the backslash hack to override the background color for IE only (not knowing that probably wouldn't solve the problem anyway) and for my efforts LJ kicked my CSS out of their proxy with a "suspect CSS...illegal backslash" warning. Yee-haw. I guess IE 6 and AOL users will just have to live with it...but thanks for solving the mystery of what was doing that - I was honestly at a loss to explain it.


anti_aol July 23 2008, 20:17:39 UTC
By the way, thanks for this link:

But IE 6 is passing the test it gives - on my computer, anyway. What the...?


av8rmike July 23 2008, 20:40:08 UTC
That is strange, as both fail spectacularly on my IE6...


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