Title: Nap Time[1/1]
ryuutsukiTheme: 041. Sleep
Rating: Hm…PG
Pairing: KanonxMiku
Band[s]: AnCafe (Antikku Café)
Disclaimer: Not mine. This is all fictional.
Comments: Been a while, ne?
Glancing at the sheet of paper in his hand over and over, Kanon raised a brow in thought as he scratched his cheek lightly with a finger. He was sitting cross-legged in front of a small table in the dimly-lit living room of his apartment. It was late. Through the fairly small window in front, the dark color of the night sky was specked with glittering orbs of the stars.
And instead of drifting off into dreamland on his comfortable bed next room over, he was in the midst of creating new music and lyrics for the new album that was going to come out in several weeks.
Although Kanon was sitting there working away for the band, there was one other who wasn’t as thrilled.
“Come on, Kanon-kun…it’s past three in the morning and you’re still thinking about the lyrics.” Miku sighed before flopping backwards onto the carpet, his arms sprawled in weariness.
…Well, who would’ve thought the vocalist would be visiting, ne?
The bassist wasn’t surprised by this though. He was very familiar with Miku’s daily routines and one of them was coming over to visit. It was part of being a boyfriend, right? The vocalist mentioned that over and over with that “Of-course-it’s-important-and-you-should-know” kind of tone. He used it almost everyday, in fact.
“…You know you can go to sleep first, right?” Kanon asked, not looking up as he placed his elbow onto the table. He was not fazed by the vocalist’s slight whining.
“But…I can’t.” he replied, gazing blanking at the pale ceiling.
Shifting his eyes towards the figure in front of him, the bassist asked, “And why not…?”
Miku stayed silent for a while.
Finally placing down the paper, Kanon shifted forward to get a better look at the brunette, waiting for an answer.
“Well? Why not, Miku-chan?” he repeated, slightly curious.
The vocalist peered towards the other, eyebrow raised. “…Must I tell?”
Kanon too raised a brow. What was Miku trying to accomplish by doing this? Maybe a lack of sleep was affecting him quite a bit…or maybe he was delusional. Maybe. “…Yeah. Otherwise, I won’t know what you want and I might as well shove you towards the bedroom, tie you up, and force you to sleep.”
Miku blinked at first, before giving a chuckle and a smug smirk. “Tell me, Kanon-chan…was that a threat? Or were you saying that on purpose?”
The bassist took a second before realizing what he had just said. Blushing heavily, he quickly shifted his gaze and muttered, “You should know what I’m talking about.”
“I do, ne? So that means you want to…” he paused as he shifted into a sitting position and leaned closer. “…do that to me?”
Feeling his face heat up dramatically (About 100 degrees or so he thought), Kanon poked his forehead and said, a bit shaking, “Go get some sleep. You’re becoming delusional.”
Miku pouted and crossed his arms in a childish manner. “I’m not delusional. I heard what you said.”
“You know what? I’m getting sleepy. I’m off to bed. Good night.” The bassist left the papers on the table as he quickly headed straight towards his bedroom. Just as the door slammed shut, Miku was left dumb-struck.
“Kanon-chaaaaaan!!!!” Standing up, he ran and childishly pounded on the door, not caring if the neighbors heard him. “Open the door noooooow!!!”
“Mm-mm, no can do, Miku-chan. I’m already in bed!” was the reply.
“But-But…aw, come on! That was mean! Just open the door!!!” Miku whined.
This time, no reply was given. Had Kanon fell asleep already?
And so…he pound harder. “Kanon-chaaaaan!!”
Still, no answer.
He then stopped and pouted at the door. Huffing, he turned around and sat in front of the door. It was not even a minute that the door suddenly opened.
“Finally, you stopped.” Kanon said, his hand on his hip.
Turning towards the bassist, the brunette replied dully, “Took you long enough to open the door.”
“So aren’t you coming in?”
Miku nodded and took the hand offered by the bassist before rising into a standing position.
“Next time, sleep early.” Kanon poked his forehead again.
“Next time, sleep early with me.” Miku replied, poking his chest.
The bassist grinned smugly. “...Deal.”
Dragging the brunette into the room, Kanon closed the door and both were off for a long nap.
Teh End
Yosh! Another one done. (^.^)b