
May 28, 2008 20:32

I got my grades back, y'all! And I didn't flunk of of school (this semester ( Read more... )

cons, random, school

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Comments 16

shurimon May 29 2008, 04:30:52 UTC


ryuutchi May 29 2008, 23:04:32 UTC


tartary_lamb May 29 2008, 04:52:28 UTC
Rock. On. :D


ryuutchi May 29 2008, 23:04:46 UTC
Yes! :D


seagull2eagle May 29 2008, 05:22:49 UTC
Congrats on the grades!! :)


seagull2eagle May 29 2008, 05:23:53 UTC
Oh, and sorry for the duck in and out this morning! First day back and I was pretty busy with stuff. ^^;; Meant to come back and forgot.


ryuutchi May 29 2008, 23:05:45 UTC
No worries. I've been kind of zoning in the mornings anyway. SO not a morning person.


ryuutchi May 29 2008, 23:04:58 UTC
Thank you!


derryderrydown May 29 2008, 07:51:43 UTC
Yay for the grades!

And I was meant to be at Wiscon this year but my best friend since school inconsiderately got married that weekend. Bah.

However, I'm determined to go next year.


ryuutchi May 29 2008, 23:08:13 UTC
Yes! YAY!

I thought about going, but have this weird fear of going to a con in an area I don't know. Also, no money.

Maybe next year, though!


derryderrydown May 29 2008, 23:10:38 UTC
I've been to Madison. Once. Very briefly.

I got off the bus there, and my friend picked me up and drove me to her house, about an hour or so away. It was very late and very dark and I'd just got off an eight-hour flight, followed by a three-hour bus journey, so I wasn't paying a great deal of attention.

But next year!


ryuutchi May 30 2008, 00:02:04 UTC
Heh. Wisconsin's one of those places I've never even driven through. Possibly next year, I shall visit and sample some cheese!


second_batgirl May 29 2008, 23:39:50 UTC
Congrats on the grades!

And I am planning to go to Wiscon next year! You should totally go!


ryuutchi May 30 2008, 00:00:45 UTC
Thank you. Another semester of not being booted out of school!

:D Well, if you're going, we should totally room, and then I won't be as paranoid about getting lost and having no one to talk to.


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