
Sep 14, 2007 17:37

Crossposted, but totally separate from the JF post.

L'shana tova everyone! Happy Jew Year!

And in honor of the New Year, a meme:

Pay It Forward: I will send a handmade gift to the first 5 people who leave a comment here on my blog. I don't yet know what that gift will be, but you will receive it within 365 days. The only thing you have to do in ( Read more... )

love, jew, meme

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Comments 7

bonobochick September 15 2007, 00:44:16 UTC
L'shana tova to you too! ::sends you virtual apples and honey::

In other news, my girlfriend's gone back to Ohio, and my bed is cold. Woe. But she left stuff in my room, like her big red hoodie. It smells like her.

It's not the same as having her right there but at least you have that for a time and the wonderful memories, right?


septicidal September 15 2007, 00:47:20 UTC
Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me!


lady_ganesh September 15 2007, 03:38:54 UTC
I am too overbooked to play in the meme, but l'shana tova to you, too!


shurimon September 15 2007, 03:44:52 UTC
I'm not here for the meme, I just wanted to make sure you got the memo about my AIM name change. XD I'm SPDBridge03 now. Sorry if it's redundant, I just want to make sure everyone can find me.

*SHAMELESS SELF PLUG* I've also posted chapters 1-3 of my fic at shurifanstuffs finally.


rufustehshinra September 15 2007, 04:01:41 UTC
Awwww! Yay for clothes that smell like your girlfriend. It always makes me feel better when Chloe is gone.


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