No Surprises (epilogue)

Jan 29, 2016 00:36

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Okajima, with some side Ariyama, Chiitaro, Takachii, Hikabu, and Inoo/Saya
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from J&A.
Summary: Yuto's life has been planned out from the moment he was born, decisions most of the world got to make all predetermined by his parents. Now as an adult he has to decide if he's going to continue along the path they've lain out for him, or if he's going to abandon it all, risking leaving his family behind in the process.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

   Yuto woke slowly, leaving his eyes squeezed shut as he came to consciousness, preferring instead to just relish the feeling of warmth from the rays of sunlight streaming through the bedroom window on his face, and Keito’s strong arms wrapped around his waist, his husband’s chest pressed up against Yuto’s back. He could feel the steady pound of Keito’s heart, and the calming in and out of his breathing, Keito’s face buried into Yuto’s neck. He eventually opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the light of morning, and he slid his fingers across the sheet covering their bodies, letting his fingers intertwine with Keito’s, their matching rings glinting in the sunlight.
   The peace was broken by the harsh sound of one of Keito’s many alarms, blaring gratingly that it was time to get up and face the day, and Keito let out a small whine, burying his face even further into the crook of Yuto’s neck for a moment, before taking his hand out of Yuto’s to slap at the clock until it shut up. He moved as if to go back to sleep, but Yuto pushed himself to a sitting position, effectively dislodging Keito from the way they’d been wrapped around each other, and Keito yawned, blinking and angling his head on his pillow so that he could look up at Yuto.
   He was adorable, his long hair half in his face, eyes still glassy, and silently he reached for Yuto, grabbing one of his arms and wrapping both of his own around it, pulling it close and pressing a kiss to Yuto’s wrist. Yuto, completely smitten, leaned down, pressing a kiss to Keito’s lips.
   “Good morning.” He murmured, once the kiss broke, and Keito smiled in spite of himself, before asking
   “Do we have to get out of bed today?” Over the past few years living in Japan had caused his accent to start to fade away, but his voice was just as deep and tender as the day they’d met, and Yuto smiled, nodding.
   “C’mon. Inoo will kill us if we miss the party, he’s been planning it for months.” Keito nodded, knowing that Yuto was right, but he didn’t make any move to get up, silent for a moment, before saying
   “If you stay here with me I’ll make it worth your while, I promise.” That made Yuto laugh, a grin cracking on Keito’s face too, and Keito finally sat up, rubbing at his eyes and slinging an arm around Yuto’s waist, pulling him closer and kissing him again, this kiss a bit less innocent than Yuto’s good morning kiss, longer and more passionate, and when it finally broke Yuto wasn’t laughing any longer, his breathing heavy, and he nodded.
   “You make a compelling argument.” He admitted, and Keito leaned in, kissing him again. But when that kiss ended Yuto’s eyes caught on the clock, and he sighed. “C’mon, we really have to get up.”
   “Okay.” Keito conceded, pulling himself out from under their sheets and to his feet. Yuto watched him for a moment, loving watching Keito, appreciating his toned body and the way his muscles moved under his tanned skin, even after three years of marriage. It wasn’t until Keito moved to find himself clothes, walking off in the direction of his closet, that Yuto finally got out of bed, heading for his own wardrobe. They had a party to attend that day. Inoo was throwing a ‘we’ll-take-the kid-you-go-have-fun-party’ for Daiki and Yamada, the two having adopted their first child a few months previously, after years of waiting. Yuto wasn’t sure the party was strictly necessary, but Inoo had insisted.
   Inoo and Daiki had grown very close, the two having met a handful of times before, but really hitting it off at Chinen and Takaki’s wedding. It had probably been their friendship that had really cemented Daiki’s place in their circle of friends, and had brought Inoo out of his shell. Inoo seemed to finally be happy, his marriage-while not conventional, as there was no romance between the spouses-an accepting, loving environment for both him and Saya, and Yuto was so glad. Yabu and Hikaru meanwhile, had managed to break into the world market, their hotels now in over thirty-six different countries. They were hospitality tycoons, their success awe inspiring.
   Takaki and Chinen on the other hand were enjoying the lap of luxury. With Saya and Inoo handling Chinen’s family business, and Takaki’s older sister Yui controlling the Takaki corporation with an iron fist, Yuto’s friends had been left with a pile of money and nothing but free time, and they were taking advantage of it. They had been traveling the world for over a year, spending a month in each country they came to, hitting up what seemed like every beach known to man. They had bought houses all over Europe, and they had great stories to tell whenever they came back home. They seemed to be loving life, seizing the moment, and it was wonderful to see the two of them so happy.
   It had been a long time since the nine of them were all together, and it would be nice to spend a day relaxing with his friends Yuto mused, getting into his favorite pair of jeans, rolling up the cuffs, and slipping on a tank top and a short sleeved button down, emerging from his closet to see Keito dressed similarly, the older man putting the top half of his hair into a small ponytail. He caught Yuto’s eye in the mirror, asking tentatively
   “How do I look?” Yuto grinned, taking a few steps closer and fiddling with the little ponytail, before running his hands over Keito’s muscular arms.
   “Very hot.” He declared, and Keito giggled, turning around and pulling Yuto to him, kissing him. Yuto hummed appreciatively into the kiss, tangling his fingers into the long strands of hair Keito had left down, loving the feeling of it sliding over his fingertips. Keito had tried a couple of different hairstyles over the years, but Yuto liked it best when it was long like this. When he could easily grab a fistful of it.
   “Breakfast?” Keito offered when the kiss broke, and Yuto nodded, letting his hand drop, saying
  “Let me just grab a couple of cameras for the party.”
   “Oh! Can you grab one of the polaroids? I know Dai-chan likes those.” Keito said, and Yuto nodded, heading off in the direction of his photography room, Keito making his way down to the kitchen. They ate and brushed their teeth, and then, hand in hand they left the house, climbing into Keito’s powder blue Jaguar, and went off to the party in the same fashion they had done everything the past three years-together.

A/N: The end! I hope you all had fun with this fic, I know I enjoyed writing something that was a little lighthearted and silly. I really appreciate each and every one of you that took the time to read this, and a special thanks to all of you that commented! I know you're all busy with real life, and it means a lot that you take time out of your days for me. If you're ready for something a bit more serious, or if any of you are fans of my Heisei Kumi series, you're in luck! I'm currently working on a smaller multi-chap that is basically going to illustrate Hikaru's growth from the heroin addicted boy he was when Shoon found him on the street, to the confident, happy teenager he is when Chinen meets him in You Found Me. It's basically a look at Hikaru's character from Shoon's POV. I'm rather excited about it, so hopefully some of you can look forward to that! Until that's finished I have a few drabbles and oneshots I've saved up, so I'll still be posting weekly! Thanks again for everything, you guys are the best.

multi-chap: no surprises

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