Gaining Your Love: a Heisei Kumi fanfic (8/14)

Dec 01, 2012 23:27

Author: ryosukekoibito
Pairing: Ariyama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone, c'mon guys.
Summary:Long before the Heisei Kumi knew Keito Daiki makes it his mission to make the stunning Yamada Ryosuke fall in love with him, and it's going to be much harger than Daiki expected. So! For anyone who read my Heisei Kumi fic, this is the Ariyama spinoff I said I'd write! And if you didn't read it, please go check it out. The first chapter can be found here.
A/N: So....I love you all.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

   Daiki looked around and felt his heart jump in his throat. The expanse of whiteness immediately made him feel aware of himself, and his surroundings―or lack of them. He let his eyes travel down, and when he found the blood red ribbon bound around his wrist he let out a breath he had been holding. Feeling nervous with anticipation he let himself follow the trail of the ribbon as it ran out away from him and along the ground. He followed it, and just as before the sakura tree came into view, and as he got closer he made out Yamada, sitting there under it. Before he got to the tree however, something else caught his eye. The ribbon, their bond. It wasn't red over here. And it wasn't gray. Or peach. Or even yellow. And it wasn't broken or frayed. It was weird looking, it wasn't shiny like silk, and it was white, with black markings on it. He stopped, crouching down to get a better look.
    The ribbon was wrapped in paper. Strips of it, like a cocoon, and on the strips were words. Daiki's words. His messages wound around the ribbon like a bandage. As he watched, the messages changed, and disappeared. Well, changed wasn't the right word.  They melted, absorbing into the ribbon, and where they were they dyed it a new color. The words stained it a rich teal, a promising, healing teal. Daiki felt himself grow excited, and he ran alongside the ribbon, watching as the papers were absorbed. Amazed. He followed it with his eyes glued on it, until he looked up to find himself under the sakura tree, only a few feet from Yamada. There on Yamada's wrist was the other end of the ribbon, and it wrapped all up his wrist and forearm, crisscrossing lengths of the teal, bright against his skin. He let his eyes trail up to Yamada's face, slightly afraid of what he might see there. Tear trails ran down the boy's cheeks from his big, beautiful brown eyes, but he was no longer crying, a small smile on his lips. As their eyes met Daiki felt himself stop breathing. He was so beautiful, so perfect. That realization threw itself in his face sharply, and he lost sense of anything but that. Stunned, waves of apologies filled his mouth, straining at his lips, but they stayed shut, and filled him, overflowing in the form of one tear that slid gently down his cheek. He didn't even know why he felt the need to tell Yamada that he was sorry. Or what it was specifically that he was apologizing for.
    Yamada's eyes caught his own, and he smiled a little smile. The smile grew, and then Daiki found himself on the ground next to the younger boy, legs crossed comfortably under him. Time seemed to stand still, and they could have been there for years for all Daiki could have cared. And as they sat there he could feel something good growing stronger between them. Gently he reached out, cupping Yamada's face with both hands, leaning forward, slowly, deliberately, closer and closer, and-
   Daiki woke to his shoulder being shook back and forth roughly. He opened his eyes, confused, to see that he was still sitting on the corner of Yamada's bed, dawn just beginning, with Yuto standing next to the bed, glaring at him like an overprotective and disapproving mother-Daiki had to stop himself from thinking boyfriend. He sighed internally, and glared back. Yuto's skinny arm grabbed at his skin and pulled insistently, his eyes shooting to the door and back, the message in them clear. Daiki sent a glance of his own to Yamada, who was still fast asleep, cheek squished against his pillow, hair fallen in his eyes, before he carefully extricated himself from the bed, following Yuto just outside the room, shutting the door to keep their conversation from waking Yamada up.
   "What do you want?" Daiki asked, not bothering to attempt being polite, annoyed with Yuto for making him leave Yamada's side. Yuto looked like he was about to cry himself, and he was shaking slightly, but his words came out serious and calm.
   "You stay away from him."
   "No." The response was an immediate reaction, and the quickness with which it was fired back obviously caught Yuto off guard. The determination in his eyes flashed with uncertainty for a moment, and Daiki felt himself switch his stance, gearing up for a fight.
   "Look, I don't know what you're trying to do, but you need to stop. You're nothing but bad for him, and I'm not going to let him get broken again." Yuto declared. The importance of that last sentence wasn't caught by Daiki.
   "I love him." He declared.
   "I don't care." Yuto decided, and with that he adjusted himself so that his body blocked the doorway.
   "Leave." Daiki wanted to hit him so badly. Just one punch, a little bit of blood, to wipe that look off of the younger boys face. But he realized that it would do nothing but put him back in Yamada's bad books, and that was the very last thing he needed, especially now that things were finally looking up.
   "He asked me to stay here, I'm not going until he wants me too." Yuto scoffed at Daiki's refusal, but he said nothing else, and they both sat down, backs against opposite walls so that they could see each other properly. They didn't have to wait long before the sound of the door handle turning shattered the tense silence and brought them to their feet. Yamada opened the door and looked taken aback by the party waiting for him.
   "Good morning, Yama-chan." Yuto said with a gentle smile, grabbing Yamada's hand and intertwining their fingers, sending a last disapproving glance Daiki's way before dragging Yamada down the hallway and out of sight, presumably for breakfast. Yamada sent Daiki one confused, questioning look before rounding the corner. Daiki trudged back to his own bedroom, where Inoo was changing out if his pajamas. His friend jumped when he opened the door, and hid himself as best he could with the pair of pants he was holding. Daiki felt a laugh bubble up out of his chest, and Inoo pouted, slowly lowering the pants back down.
   "Inoo-chan, you're so skinny, ne?" Daiki announced, eyes raking over the lanky limbs and tiny waist. Inoo blushed a bit, slipping on the baggy jeans. Daiki noted for the first time how they hung loosely off of his hip bones, how his best friend's long legs seemed to disappear in the folds of the fabric, and worry washed over him.
   "Ne, Inoo-chan eat more, okay?" He said, grabbing his friend by the shoulders and looking him in the eyes. Inoo let his gaze drop to his pale feet, his longs lashes brushing his cheeks, and he nodded like a five year old that had just gotten in trouble. Daiki gave him a quick hug and turned to the dresser, digging through the clothes and pulling out a pair of dark jeans and a white T-shirt, stripping off his pjs and slipping off his pants before he felt cold fingertips on his back.
   "You have blood...little marks, like fingernails..." There was a pause, during which Daiki tried to figure out what Inoo was talking about. Then, Inoo gasped.
   "You didn't have sex with Takaki did you?!"
   "WHAT?!" Daiki felt his eyes grow to the size of saucers, and he spun around. Inoo looked horrified.
   "NO! What the hell?!"
   "Well, it's just that I remember seeing marks, like that, when...when he'd sleep with someone! On his back! And you didn't come in last night! And he's seductive!" Inoo defended himself, his face red. Daiki growled in disbelief at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.
   "He's seductive?! How?" Inoo was looking extremely embarrassed, but signs of relief shone on his face.
   "He―he's got a nice face, and a nice body, and he talks smooth, and he's...experienced." Inoo explained, and Daiki felt a blush of his own rising on his cheeks.
Not wanting to discuss Takaki's sex appeal any longer, and not wanting to explain that Yamada had done that to him when the boy had been crying, he slipped his shirt on and walked to the door.
   "Breakfast?" He asked, and Inoo nodded, falling into step next to him as they trudged down the stairs and proceeded to raid the pantry.
   After a quick breakfast Daiki was washing his dishes in the sink when he felt a finger trail on his shoulder, and he glanced back to see Yamada standing behind him, hand outstretched. They stood staring at each other for a moment, and Daiki smiled at him, setting down the china and turning to give Yamada his full attention. Yamada pursed his lips and dipped his head a bit so that his bangs hid his face a bit.
   "I'm sorry about last night, Daiki."
   "Don't be." Instead of being relieved, Yamada looked a little bit anxious.
   "Do you want to bake cookies with me?" Did Daiki want to bake cookies? Daiki must have stared for a moment too long, because Yamada started backing away. Daiki felt a sudden impulse to pull him back.
   "Yes!" He said quickly, nodding vigorously. Yamada looked up surprised, a smile forming on his lips.
   "Okay." He wandered around the kitchen, opening cabinets and pulling out cookie sheets, measuring cups, two wooden spoons and some mixing bowls. Daiki just stood there, watching, as Yamada pulled a scrap of paper out of his pocket, staring at it for a moment and turning the dial on the oven to 325 degrees. When Yamada turned back to him he finally noticed that Daiki was just standing there. After a moment he tilted his head in confusion.
   "I...I don't know how to...I've never made cookies before." Daiki confessed. Yamada's eyes betrayed a hint of wonder, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.
   "Not ever."
   Yamada grinned.
   "I'll teach you. It's fun!" He waved Daiki over, pulling the paper back out of his pocket. It had a recipe on it.
   "Can you get three fourths of a cup of butter out of the fridge for me? I'm going to get the brown sugar and the white sugar." Yamada was already walking in the direction of the pantry, hand outstretched toward the doorknob. Daiki pulled the fridge open, and quickly found the butter in a compartment in the door. Dumbfounded he pulled it out.
   "How much was it?" He called, staring at the little rectangular sticks.
   "Three fourths of a cup." Daiki just grabbed a couple of the sticks, putting them on the table.
   "How much is a stick?" He asked, turning to find Yamada with his arm in a bag of brown sugar.
   "Um, half a cup." The littler boy informed him, pulling out a handful of the brown sugar and putting it in the measuring cup that was sitting beside him, in the process scattering brown sugar across the space of table between the bag and the measuring cup. Daiki cut one of the sticks in half and put the leftover back in the fridge.
   "Good! Can you melt that and pour it in this bowl," Yamada indicated the bowl with the two sugars in it. "and I'll start on the dry ingredients!" Daiki nodded, grabbing a little glass bowl off of the table and pulling the paper off of the butter, plopping it into the bowl and popping it in the microwave. He stared at the buttons. How long did it take butter to melt? Thirty seconds should be fine, he decided. Thirty seconds later he opened the microwave to find that the butter had boiled over the edges of the bowl and was sizzling. Oops. He tried poking it with a quick finger. Ouch. He grabbed a pot holder from a hook by the sink and carefully pulled the bowl from the little box, carrying it over to the table and pouring it into the larger bowl. Yamada giggled. Daiki smiled a little, as the littler boy handed him a small electric mixer.
   "Here, can you cream all of that together?" Daiki examined the machine, tentatively pushing a button. It whirred to life. Carefully he stuck it in the bowl, and within moments the sugar and butter were blended. Little splatters of the mixture had gotten on his shirt and hands, but he hadn't noticed. Yamada had finished with the bowl of dry ingredients and stepped over, the faint scent of roses that always accompanied him intoxicating Daiki, and he leaned in slightly as Yamada cracked an egg into the bowl. He pretended to watch as the younger boy added a tablespoon of vanilla. Then Yamada spun around, pointing to the electric mixer.
   "You mix those in, and I'm gonna gradually add in the dry ingredients." Yamada wasn't really asking. He was telling. Daiki smiled a big smile. Yamada was growing comfortable. He did as Yamada had told, continuing to listen and follow directions until the bowl contained a gooey lump of tan sugary goodness scattered with morsels of chocolate. He looked over at the cookie sheets, pretty sure he knew what to do from here. He was wrong. Instead of arranging the dough in little balls on the cookie sheets as he had assumed Yamada would do, the littler boy swiped his pointer finger through the dough, closing his lips over it and smiling happily as he ate.
   "What are you doing?" Yamada looked up at him, eyes wide and surprised.
   "You've never had cookie dough?"
   "It's made for baking, then eating....right?" Daiki said, eyebrows furrowed as he contemplated this. Yamada simply ran his finger back through the dough, holding it out for Daiki.
   "Here, you'll understand." Daiki's eyes were stuck on Yamada's finger, his mind on overdrive. Oh god. Oh god. Does he want me to eat it off of-
   "C'mon Daiki it's not poisoned, I promise." Yamada wiggled his finger a bit, and Daiki squeezed his eyes shut, taking the finger in his mouth, mind screaming at him, heart pounding as he did so. He wrapped his tongue around Yamada's finger, sucking the cookie dough off and pulling back, rolling the dough and chocolate around his mouth, savoring the sweet sugariness, while his brain was asking him loudly what the hell he had just done.  For something to do he stuck a finger of his own in the dough, glancing over at Yamada through his bangs. The little boy had a redness to his cheeks that hadn't been there before, and his breathing was a little...uneven.
   "I-uh....I mean..." The obvious Did I go too far? hung in the air like an echo. In response, Yamada craned his neck forward, pulling Daiki's coated finger into his own mouth, muscles working. It felt hot and warm, and Daiki's mind went straight to the gutter. But when Yamada blinked up at him, eyes wide and innocent as he pulled away, the perverted thoughts melted away, and a rush of warmth and joy filled their place. There was another pause. Then, simultaneously, they burst out laughing, loud, unrestrained laughs that made their cheeks hurt. They giggled the rest of the way through the baking process, smearing dough on each other's faces, and tickling their sides. Soon, they had sheet after sheet of cookies laying all around the kitchen. Daiki took one, the steam from the cookie burning the tips of his fingers as he bit into it.
   The rest of the morning was filled with the aroma and taste of cookies, and he didn't go out, he lazed around the house, playing chess and eating, and enjoying his housemates company. Then in the evening he goes out on a date with one of his swindling victims, taking another 20,000¥ from her, before returning home for the night. The rest of the week, and the month, was like a big chocolate chip cookie, sweet, with little gooey amazing moments.


multi-chap: gaining your love

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