The promised letters
Authors :
gaillenPairing : RyoDa
Genre: fluff, crack, romance
Summary : Ryo and Ueda have been going for quite some time now. Years to be precise. They had it tough for a while, because of different groups, different friends, and different...temper. Last year they were always together, even with Nishikido's usual tight schedules with his two groups. But from the moment Tatsuya's been more active, with a solo concert and a play, they don't see each other as often as they could.
Three days out of the week Ryo is commuting between Osaka and Tokyo. Ueda gets lonely those nights away from his lover.
So they found a way to express their love, through letters, phone-mails and texts, passed onto each other, via secret places.
Hidden place 1} {
Hidden place 2} {
Hidden place 3} {
Hidden place 4}
♥ After receiving the last letter from Tatsuya, almost instantly, Ryo wrote his lover a funny letter, and placed it again in O-messenger’s care. ♥
God I thought you'd bail on me!!!!!!!...or forgotten
I was worried sick thanks for replying today dear...though I wanted you to write sooner, I guess it couldn't be helped with your headaches.
I'm so sorry to hear it's worsening, one week till you get another appointment at the doctor's, it's gonna be hell, I hope you will cope anyway and survive this week. My dear, dear princess, I'm with you, telepathically. Be well, rest fince please, for my own mental health.
Hm, about our managers, I kinda figured it out it was this way, both watching out for us, but I didn't think they wouldn't report to Johnny, that's kind of nice from them, I hope we won't disappoint them.
And don't worry, Pi's birthday was okay. Jin and Kusano and him were photographed, I don't know why, but I wasn't! We walked back the girls to taxis, and whe ended the night just between guys; it was refreshing seeing Kusano again. Oh I'm sorry about Jin by the way. I heard he was late the morning after for your group's meeting. He drank so much that night and ate after midnight so I guess his stomach bailed on him. I hope you were not too screamed at by your manager.
Actually Pi thanks you very much for the wishes, but Kusano was like "Eh?! Ueda-kun?!" He knows you, don't worry, but he was just surprised with your greetings...Sometimes I miss those days when we all, the 2 or 3 groups we were, hosting or just joing Shounen CLub. It was fun, except for the part where we "hated" each other. But at least we could be together, publicly.
I haven't watched the episode yet. I had recorded, and I kinda skipped to your parts, I’m sorry for Nakai-kun for that, *rubs neck* I just saw little bits.
Also I don' tthink I eat healthy, you're just imagining things I think. But it's okay, I'll eat healthy when you're around, for when we are together, and when you WILL be around, we'll eat the bentos I'll make and we WILL bow together. As in "sex & sweat", for the best formula in the world!
Well, I hope you will reply sooner than yesterday but if you don't, at least I know it's not your fault, though I don't like you being sick and hurting because of those goddamn headaches!
Love you hime, your monkey
♥ Even with the headaches, Ueda always manages to write something to his lover. Though it’s usually on random papers, this one it was on the latest Yamapi’s Toshiba ads. ♥
God, I'm sorry sweetheart. I didn't mean to make you worry. I'll try to be a little more careful in the future so please have patience with me. I think I can manage with the headaches but it'll be difficult. I'm glad for your support and I'll try harder to take care of myself and rest. I don't want you to worry.
I think it might have been because of what happened when Akakame was discovered. It completely ruined my group's dynamics and they're trying to avoid it, even if WE aren't in the same groups. It'll cause trouble anyways.
I noticed you weren't in any of the tabloids when they took pictures of you at Yamashita's party. And I'm glad the night ended up well...Jin told me all about it after the manager screamed at him for being late. Even Kame got onto him and then he was whining to me but I simply didn't want to hear it.
I have to say that I never did particularly enjoy our Shounen Club days, so unfortunately I don't think I want to go back nor do I miss them at all. I did enjoy all the time we got to spend with each other "fighting" as it were. These last few days without you have been tough.
You ate healthy at least that once with the turkey and the vegetables so I'm still proud of you. And yes, I'll put you on a healthy diet because we all know how much I love healthy things! I'll get you into shape some way or another.
I'm actually feeling pretty good right now so I'm writing before I start feeling bad again. Oh, yes...I almost forgot. Darling, how's your cold or whatever it was from Sunday? Are you feeling any better? You didn't get bad sick did you? Did the medicine work alright? I hope you're taking care of your health too. Because as much as I hate being ill or anything, I'd hate if even more if you are. So please, love, take care of yourself too. Alright?
Anyways, I've got to go. I think I might go back to sleep early again because once again I'm really tired. I'm afraid these headaches might be draining what energy I have we'll see how things go once I go to the doctor's. They might be able to give me something that will stop me from being so exhausted throughout the day but will get rid of these infernal headaches. I can't wait to see you again.
'Til then I love you, Monkey. And I miss you.
Your Only Princess.
♥ And when Ryo receives the O so special courier, he’s so happy he starts to think of what to write, and scribbles down some notes. Then he decides these notes might be what Tatsuya likes, simple thoughts, on a simple paper; just taken from the heart. ♥
Dear princess ,
I hope you DO take care of yourself you know.
And thank you for your concern, as I predicted, my cold wasn't bad. Fortunately it didn't last, thanx to a nightsleep.
Today I finally went to see a long-time friend, oh but you know him, it’s Uchi actually. He drove me to KFC! Yes I was able to finally eat KFC after years and years of not. But the cashier-girl forgot something in my order! And I paid for it! Argh....
I had promotion for Eito's new album today again, but these days I mainly have that and nothing much more. I had Hey Hey Hey the other day with them, we performed our new song. And next week, I'll be on again but with NewS this time. Apart from that, I'm pretty free. I often go shopping and today, I quicly went to Daikanyma and found some pretty mugs, one yellow and one blue, but transparent, with white stars and one moon on them. They're waiting for us to be used when we have both days off or if we have free time at the same time, at home. I hope you'll like them
I promise that in case tomorrow I can't see you, I'll call you. But I'll try to get home the earliest I can.
I want to talk to you right now, I don't know when I will but I hope you're okay.
Now I'll be on my way to some photoshooting, I'll see you later probably.
Love you, your monkey
PS : sorry for the short email
AN : As always, fits the timeline from 2-3 months ago. References to Konkatsu, Kanjan8 and NewS's schedules.
Also I started working, so it might be delayed by 1-2 days everytime. Sorry
Thank you as always for the comments ^_^
x-posted sorry