[Mod Post] Introductory Post

May 21, 2009 14:43

Hello all you RyoDa Lovers!! This is gaillen ...your new dictator Mod. And I had to grovel, weedle, plead, and beg as well as give sexual favors for this position...no I joke, all I did was ask.

It seems that the first mods are extremely busy... omoshiroina  has disappeared and shadings  is no longer able to up-keep the comm...so I'm being allowed the opportunity to give it new life or something. I hope that I do a good job for everyone because you guys are the reason the comm is still alive! I've got a lot to learn but I'm willing to try and make this comm a great place for RyoDa fanfictions. So please be patient with me, okay?

So I guess one of the first things is asking what everyone would like to see done to the comm. What do you guys think will make this comm better? Tags are a definite must...a new look...and some new rules too...but what else? I'm open for any and all suggestions. Unfortunately I doubt the comm can handle all of them but we can always hold a poll on some of the changes. Just to make sure everyone agrees or it's very fair in the decision making. So lay the ideas on me people. I'm willing to listen to all of them.

Second thing -- a layout. This is a call out to all the intelligent wonderful people that know what the hell CSS is and can USE it. Make a layout folks...a layout for the community and then I'll make a poll for the Comm members and have them choose the one they like the most. The only rule: Has to be RyoDa related! Anything else goes. So please submit some layouts that can make this place beautiful. I think a time limit of two months is good...don't you? So, July 21 is the deadline for new layouts... EDIT: Following the advice of several people, the layout deadline will be on June 4...that gives about two weeks... and then the poll will be posted. That is if we actually get someone that submits one. Please do. I'd love to see some new layouts.

So...item numbah three! New rules are a sort of must too. I'm going to ask that no fics are allowed to be f-locked. Community locked is fine...but f-locked to personal journals is a no go. If you are going to post to a community then at least that community's members should be able to read it. On that same note, I'm also asking that NC-17 fics be community locked...not journal locked...just locked to the community. Edit: This will be put to a vote. So keep look out for the poll kay? These aren't permanent or even in effect yet. I just want to see what everyone thinks about them before I implement them.

And last but not least, if there is anything you need to discuss or need to ask about or something. I'm here so please message me or something and let me know. I want to help and any help I can receive will be appreciated also. I think that's everything for the first go around. Please give me some ideas or something. I'm willing to hear anything at this point and I really hope I can do a good job for the community. Because I love it so much and I really want this comm to be a great place to be at.

Thank you very much everyone and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Love Gaillen: gaillen .

!mod: announcement

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