A few notes, first of all. Some fics are archived in more than one place, but I just took the urls from the first place I found them. Also, these fics are on this list because I personally liked them and wouldn't mind rereading them, meaning this list is completely subjective. If a fic (R/S, of course) you like is not on here, you're free to comment and tell me about it (no self-plugs, please), but the possibility exists that I may have already read the fic and not liked it enough to put it on here. An author may have written a lot of R/S stuff, but these will only be my favorites of that author's fiction, and if I think that you should check out the rest of that author's stuff, I'll put an asterisk by the author's name. I used LJ usernames if I knew them, and just pennames if I didn't. They are in alphabetical order by title, followed by author, rating, chaptered or one-shot, complete or work in progress, and lastly by era (Hogwarts is Harry's Hogwarts years, post-Hogwarts is post-Harry's Hogwarts years, MWPP is Remus and Sirius's Hogwarts years up until Azkaban, Azkaban is those twelve years, and AU is...AU). If I later have the time and inclination, I'll be going back and adding a "why I recommend this fic" bit, but for now it's just the basics. Also, none of my fics are on here, but...just so you know, I recommend those too. *snicker*
This list will also be periodically updated. I'll usually add one directly when I find a new fic I like (especially as great stuff is forever being written), so check back every once in awhile and you'll probably find a few more each time. To make it easier to find the new ones, look for the red "New!" in front of the link. Also, any links that go to the Howl Kingdom don't work, just so you know. I'll probably replace them sooner or later, when I have time to go find alternate links.
THERE ARE TWO PAGES TO THIS LIST. To get to the second page, which contains links to fics with titles N-Z, click on the "Page two" link at the bottom of this list.
Now with that all over with...here we go!
Current total: 300
Titles A-M
2/3 by
ourmutualfiend, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Abner of Astlegate's Most Splendid Pox by
sheafrotherdon*, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
About a Cardigan by
violet_quill, R. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Accidentally In Love by
lupinslittlesis, PG-13. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
Accio Bananas! by
lupinslittlesis, R. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Adunatio by
vixenette*, R/NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Alive by
copperbadge*, R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP to Hogwarts.
All Dogs Go by Kimiko, G. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
All Kidding Aside by Kihin Ranno, PG-13. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
All Souls' Day by
phineasjones, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
All the Sinners, Saints by
musesfool*, PG15. One-shot, Azkaban to Hogwarts.
All Through the Night by
casirafics*, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
The Ambiguous Animagus by Jack Ichijouji, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
The Ambiguously Gay Werewolf by Jack Ichijouji, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Anastasia and Spinning Jenny by
librae, R. One-shot, MWPP.
And the Discreet Keep Their Love in Their Back Pockets by
yeats*, PG? One-shot, MWPP.
And There Will Be... (Seven Ways Remus Lupin and Sirius Black Found Each Other) by
blacksatinrose, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts/Post-Hogwarts.
Angels, and Arise, Arise by
imochan*, R. One-shot, MWPP.
apogee by
llamajoy, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Arrangement by
maybethemoon*, R. One-shot, MWPP.
The Art of Walking Backwards by
monkeycrackmary*, PG. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
The Art of Werewolf Maintenance by Hannah Abbott Stewart, PG-13? Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
The Artist Formerly Known as Stubby Boardman by She's a Star, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Atlantic Specimen by
ourmutualfiend, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Authority by
violet_quill*, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Because by
edeainfj*, PG/PG-13? One-shot, MWPP.
Before the Cock Crows by
thorne_scratch, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.
being an historical record of events surrounding the unfortunate truth-or-dare game of february the twenty-second, and consequences thereof by
geekerypokery, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
The Best Man by
casirafics, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Between the Lines by the Beasties-Boys, R. Chaptered, incomplete, Hogwarts.
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by
musesfool, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Beyond the Veil by
childofatlantis, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
Black Moon by
juliefortune, NC17. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
The Blood Blistering Brew by
bleedingfilth, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Blue Roses by
spawnsfix, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Boiling Point by
anniesj*, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Boys' Own Camping Adventure by GrimSlasher (aka CLS and Hyphen), R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Break Through by
scribbulus_ink, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Breaking the Routine by
mrsronweasley*, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Burns Night by
thistlerose*, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Care and Feeding by
canis_m*, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Cartography by tempestuous, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Caught in the Act by
casirafics, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Caught in the Act by
anise_anise, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Changes by
goldennotblonde, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, AU.
Charm the Bottle by
longleggedgit, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Charms, and Their Forgetting (The Two and Four Remix) by V, PG. One-shot, MWPP.
Christmas, 1977 by
thistlerose, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Christmas by Numbers by Alvira, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Christmastime by
ariastar*, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Close by
cmere1, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Coeur de Loup by
ladyjaida*, R. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
The Collar by
fandom_pillory, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Colourblind by
smithy161, PG. One-shot, MWPP.
Comfort and Joy by
minnow_53, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Compulsion by
cruisedirector and
ashinae, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Concerning Flying Lessons, Snuffboxes, and One Hundred Galleons by
monkeycrackmary, R? One-shot, MWPP.
Conjunction by
casirafics, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Consequences by
_immortalis, R/NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Consequences of Being Legally Dead by
damnyellowcap, PG-13. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
Control in Still Moments by
lyra_sena, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Copy of Report on Surprise Inspection of Case #14568 by Treemonisha, R. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
The Corkscrew of Memory by
romanticalgirl, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts/MWPP.
The Cornfield by
_lioness, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
A Creature Void of Form by
ignipes, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Culmination of a Vague Idea by
hiddendaze*, PG-13/R? One-shot, Hogwarts.
Cycle of Time by
amchau, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Damning With Faint Praise by
sheafrotherdon, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Dangerous by
mapletide, NC17. One-shot, AU.
Darker than Death by
louve_mae, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Darkly Inclined by S. Hart, R. Chaptered, incomplete, Hogwarts.
Darkness Falls by
romanticalgirl, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Dating Disasters of Sirius Black by
kabeyk, R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Dazzling Memory Revive by
siryn99, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Dead Till I Be With Him by
miraminx*, NC17. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
Doubt the Curve of the Earth by
starstillwonder, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Drawing Down the Moon by
ailei and
khirsah, NC17. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
Dreams Go On by
gmth, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts with MWPP flashbacks.
Dreams to Believe by
setissma*, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
El Tango de Sirius by
regala_electra, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Engagement Party by
mysid*, PG. One-shot, MWPP.
Ephemeris by
penknife, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Equators for the Bipolar by
statelines, PG-13/R. One-shot, MWPP.
Even Bartenders Can Learn by Roma, PG. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
Every Farthing of the Cost by Abi Z, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts. Slight BtVS crossover.
Every Sunday Should Be Like This by
sheafrotherdon, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
The Facts of Life by
maybethemoon, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Fair by Yaeko Nirohmy, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Fairy Boys by
thieving_gypsy*, R/NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
The Fairytale Way by
hackthis, NC17?. One-shot, MWPP.
Fallen (Alternate Version) by CLS, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Famous Poofs in History by
mysid, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Fifth Year by
franticbabbles*, PG. One-shot, MWPP.
Five Things That Never Happened to the Bass Player by
marginalia, R? One-shot, AU.
Five Things That Never Happened to Remus Lupin and Sirius Black by
penknife, NC17. One-shot, AU.
Five Ways Remus Lupin Never Raised Harry Potter by
juliette_kelley, PG-13. One-shot, AU.
Flannel by
musesfool, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Flesh and Substance by
wikdsushi, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.
For Remus by
keiltagh, PG. One-shot, MWPP.
Fourth Year by
franticbabbles, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Freckles by deaddesire, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Friendly Competition by
damnyellowcap, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Friends, Lovers, and Various Permutations Thereof by Tillikins, R. One-shot, MWPP.
The Fun Sort by Asidian Morris, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Game and How to Play It by
musesfool, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Gasp by
lupercali*, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Getting Off in Five Easy Steps by
minnow_53*, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Go Back to Being Friends by
mysid, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, MWPP to Hogwarts.
Go Down Laughing by
mrsronweasley, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Gone Grey by
xschismx, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
The Gramophone by
cassyl, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Gravity by
elspethdixon, R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
The Gravity of Snowfall by
setissma, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
The Great Mud-Wrestling Tussle of 1978 by
sheafrotherdon*, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Hallucinations by Sabe, G. One-shot, MWPP.
Harry Has Two Godfathers by Der Fischmob, G. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
He Liked, He Loved by
hazyfairytale*, R. One-shot, MWPP.
He'll Come Around Eventually by
boho_life, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
He's Not Heavy, He's My Boggart by
mousapelli*, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
He Said It That Knew It Best by
lexin, PG-13. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
Heliacal Rising by
franticbabbles, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Homecoming by
gehayi*, PG. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Homeless Near a Thousand Homes by
sullensiren, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
The Host and His Guest by Diane Coffin, R. One-shot, Hogwarts.
How It's Done by
syiana, R/NC17. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.
How to Say Goodbye by
tromboneborges, G. One-shot, MWPP.
Hush Sweet Lover by
comtesse_sin, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
I See a Darkness by
geekerypokery, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP/Hogwarts.
If Ever I Would Leave You (Dreaming Awake Remix) by
deirdre_riordan, PG. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.
In Love by
minnow_53,PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
In Theory by
thistlerose, PG-13. One-shot, post-Hogwarts.
The India Song by
ourmutualfiend, unrated. One-shot, MWPP.
Inhabited by Winter by
yahtzee63, R. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Ink Stains by
siryn99, NC17. One-shot, MWPP to Hogwarts.
It's Only Natural by
romanticalgirl, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Just Let It Be by Nym, G. One-shot, Hogwarts. [NOTE-link goes to main site]
King by Manraviel, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP to Hogwarts.
King for a Day by
franticbabbles, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Last Laugh by Lise, G? One-shot, MWPP.
The Latest of Fashion, Old Boy by
_riz, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Le Jour de la Saint-Valentin by T'Reija, NC17. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Leggo My Lego! by
ellensmithee, R. One-shot, AU?
Let's Fall in Love by Kaylana, G. One-shot, MWPP.
Let Us Sport Us While We May by
blacksatinrose, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Life Lesson #38 by
mrsronweasley, G? One-shot, MWPP.
The List by
salt_rose, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Little Black Riding Hood by
canis_m, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
The Long Road Home by
jedibix783, R. One-shot, AU/Hogwarts.
Long Way Home by PhoenixFire Liz, R. One-shot, MWPP.
Lord of Misrule by
musesfool, NC17. One-shot, Hogwarts/MWPP.
Love in the Ruins by GrimSlasher, NC17. Chaptered, complete, Hogwarts.
Love Is Not All by
cruisedirector, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.
The Love Song of Sirius Black (or Five Things That Never Happened to Sirius Black) by
kaydeefalls, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts/AU.
Lovers for Tonight by
mysid, R. Chaptered, complete, MWPP.
Making Moony Laugh by
loneraven, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
The Man in the Moon by
thamiris, NC17. One-shot,Hogwarts.
Mapmakers by
casirafics, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Maneo by
imochan, PG-13. One-shot, MWPP.
Masked Revels by
copperbadge, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Memories to Behold by
lea_ndra, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
The Midnight Conversations: Act One by
thistlerose, PG. Chaptered, incomplete, MWPP.
Mint by
mrsronweasley, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
A Mirror With Memory by
throughadoor, PG? One-shot, Hogwarts.
Mistletoe Managed by
citikitti, R. One-shot, MWPP/Hogwarts.
Moonset by
darkwitch666, NC17. One-shot, MWPP.
Mother Knows Best by
musesfool, PG-13. One-shot, Hogwarts.
Page two