Things I do when stumped on the dissertation*

Mar 18, 2010 19:27

*To be fair, I'm less stumped than I was when I met with my advisor this afternoon.

Anyway, my newest procrastination mode: I write double dactyls about the texts I'm studying.

Stalworthy, schmalworthy,
Kitchen knave Havelok
Married a princess
In Lincoln, one night,

Fell asleep, mouth open,
Cried Goldeborw,
Our future is bright!


Watery fluttery
Brendan the Voyager
Plus sixty pilgrims de-
Cided to sail.

Halfway to Eden, they
Stopped on an island, but
Called it a whale.


Maybe I'll write more of these on the plane tomorrow. (I'm flying east for spring break and Passover.) I'm still trying to figure out what I can do with the nicely double-dactylic word "historiographers."

In the meantime, you all should try some. Remember, two stanzas of four lines each, first line is gibberish, second line is someone's name, one line in the second stanza consists of a single six-syllable word, and fourth and eighth line rhyme.
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