final fantasy

Apr 01, 2008 13:06

(58) final fantasy

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Comments 130

anniereckless April 1 2008, 05:28:32 UTC
These are lovely ~ ! :D
- recognizes a lot of them from various icontests -
Letsee. I think my favorite is ... #14. XD
Also, your coloring for 20/21 is gorgeous! ♥


ryfee April 1 2008, 09:26:09 UTC
Thank you :D
..LUL balfran XD Haha who wouldn't love them anyway? They're seriously the best couple ever lol<3
Thanks very much :)


summonerluna April 1 2008, 05:48:17 UTC

Oh, they're beautiful! Every single one of them! *forgoes snagging and just bookmarks the whole page*

You truly out-do yourself every single time <3


ryfee April 1 2008, 09:32:56 UTC
I'm glad you love them XD
Thanks very much♥ :)


smilecity April 1 2008, 05:59:11 UTC
I love love love the coloring on every single one of these icons. I would save them all but as of right now I'm just way too lazy to do so. Beautiful! Though I was hoping to see some Zack/Crisis Core icons in there. XDD


ryfee April 1 2008, 09:39:33 UTC
Thank you very much .. I'm glad you love them. Feel free to save everything LOL XD
Zack..I shall keep that in mind, don't worry :)


smilecity April 1 2008, 15:32:08 UTC
oh no worries. I'm feeling unlazy at the moment so I plan on going through them and saving probably most of them. XD ♥

Yeey Zack. :D


powercorrupts April 1 2008, 06:13:20 UTC
I realized that I probably haven't ever said it outside of voting on lims, but I really love your colouring.

You've got a really great way of using textures to slightly highlight really stunning, popping colours. I always love seeing an iconpost by you (though I've never said it - I often feel weird commenting on other people's icons >>), you're very creative and it seems like you put a lot into your icons.


ryfee April 1 2008, 09:45:28 UTC
Thanks very much..., you're embarrassing me LOL. I'm very glad you love my iconposts. I don't even know you always clicked on the cuts lol! XD haha you shouldn't feel weird commenting on people's icons, they'll feel happy you know :D, like I am now lmao XD
You probably never know, but I've always liked your icons,... but I always feel afraid to send you say hi/say something 8D;
Again, thank you very much! It's wonderful, coming from you :)♥


shinobou April 1 2008, 06:47:11 UTC
Snagged 34 and 35 with credit!


ryfee April 1 2008, 09:46:13 UTC
Thanks, glad you like them :)


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