<3 &request

Mar 18, 2008 20:00

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ryfee March 21 2008, 03:37:37 UTC
Thank you very much~ :D♥

And here are your requests:

... )


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Re: MOTHER NIGHT! ryfee March 22 2008, 10:36:05 UTC
...LOLLL♥ XD Ahaha, I'm so glad you love them so freaking much XD~ Homg until you die? Man I'm flattered 8DD
Gosh, is your brain okay now? C:
♥ :)
(I really really really should do another 100 icon challenge ... hahah8D;)


tsukihane March 18 2008, 14:47:03 UTC
Oh congrats, Ryfee-chan <3333

Squee! Requests <3
Uh could I request two icons? One of Ashe and one of Yuna?
The images because I don't know if you want us to pick them or you: http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6219/0062rw4.jpg
Thank you so much ^W^


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:40:12 UTC
Thank you :D <3
(haha, why is everyone calling my Ryfee-chan now? X3)

Here are your requests:

... )


tsukihane March 21 2008, 03:47:52 UTC
Ryfee-chan sounds cute xD At least I think it does xD
ZOMFG they're gorgeous T__T Thank you so so much <3 I love them <3

Yeah Ashe is one of my favourites actually =), Ashe and Yuna top my list.


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:53:49 UTC
Haha yay thank you :3

Thank you, I'm glad you love them n,n <3

Ah, I don't like Yuna...I just like her caps..sometimes lol XD


serah March 18 2008, 15:01:56 UTC
w-wahhhhhtaaa i can request ! *glomps*

one with Aeris <33

one with Yuna \o


thank you <333 and i hope you get better ryfee chan !!


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:42:44 UTC
Here are your requests:

... )


serah March 21 2008, 03:49:05 UTC
just omfg they are gorgeous ! i like the effect on the 2º Yuna one *A* they are just awsome ryfee chan ;; love love them *tackleglomps*

i'm very glad that you are feeling better =3


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:52:14 UTC
LOL you're using that freaky Yuna! XD; Her blue hair amused me lmaooo. I'm glad you love them :D

Haha yeah, I'm catching up on the requests XD~


rainy_fantasy March 18 2008, 15:02:35 UTC
Congratulations Ryfee on 100+ watchers!
I hope you feel better soon.

An icon and a banner out of the same image (since there's so many people in the image, can you focus more on Axel and Roxas?)
Banner size can be:
700 x 394 (or something around there...)

Thank you so much for doing this and congratulations again!


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:46:42 UTC
Thank you~ :D
And I'm feeling better now, thanks :)

Here is the link to your header (it's huge so I'm just linking you to it): http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd147/ryfee/requests/for-rainy_fantasy03-from-ryfee.png or the borderless one: http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd147/ryfee/requests/for-rainy_fantasy-from-ryfee.png
Feel free to add text etc. And the icon.. Since I can't crop the image to 100x100 with both Roxas and Axel in it, I made two for you:
... )


rainy_fantasy March 25 2008, 20:08:35 UTC
Oh my gosh, thank you SO much. I cannot even begin to describe how awesome these are. THANK YOU!!!! :D


ryfee March 27 2008, 02:42:05 UTC
You're welcome, glad you like them. Thank you :D


tishannia March 18 2008, 15:19:14 UTC
Congrats dear! :D

Ooooh, could you please make me a Seifer/Quistis (FF8) icon? You can use whatever images you want/think would look best, or if you want me to find some for you just let me know because I'm not sure if you want us to get them for you.


ryfee March 21 2008, 03:48:24 UTC
Thank you :D

Here's your request:
... )


tishannia March 21 2008, 08:04:02 UTC
Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous! Haha, instant MSN and LJ icon. :P

Thanks so much! *hugs* I love it!


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